With the Ilíada Project, Brazil will invest in blockchain technology

A partnership between RNP, CPQD and Softex, the initiative foresees the creation of an observatory for studies on technology


In recent years, blockchain technology has become increasingly important for individuals, companies, and governments. It functions as a type of decentralized database that records transactions securely and without the possibility of alteration, reducing the risk of fraud. To accelerate the adoption of this technology in Brazil, the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MCTI) launched the Ilíada Project.

With an investment of R$23 million, the initiative is a partnership between RNP (National Education and Research Network) and CPQD (Telecommunications Research and Development Center). The project was supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, with resources from Law No. 8,248 of October 23, 1991, within the scope of PPI-SOFTEX, coordinated by Softex. The goal is to create a laboratory that will conduct studies on the use of blockchain and how the technology can be applied in the Brazilian context.

With an investment of R$23 million, the initiative is a partnership between RNP (National Education and Research Network) and CPQD (Telecommunications Research and Development Center). The project was supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, with resources from Law No. 8,248 of October 23, 1991, within the scope of PPI-SOFTEX, coordinated by Softex. The goal is to create a laboratory that will conduct studies on the use of blockchain and how the technology can be applied in the Brazilian context.

“The Ilíada Project aims to contribute to the maturation of the blockchain ecosystem in Brazil through research and technological development actions to keep up with the state of the art of blockchain, so that the country can master the technology”, explains Leandro Ciuffo, deputy director of Research, Development and Innovation at RNP, responsible for executing the project.

It will be the first laboratory of its kind in the country, which will also have a virtual test environment so that researchers can carry out experiments on blockchain in a controlled environment.

It will be the first laboratory of its kind in the country, which will also have a virtual test environment so that researchers can carry out experiments on blockchain in a controlled environment.

“CPQD has been actively collaborating with the development of the blockchain ecosystem in Brazil. We have participated in the activities of RNP’s TC-Blockchain since the beginning, when the first ideas about the scope of the Ilíada Project were born”, recalls Reynaldo Formigoni, CPQD’s Blockchain Solutions Manager.

The technology

Called "the next generation of the internet", Web 3.0 aims to change the way online interactions occur. Instead of the current model, where services and data traffic are controlled by large corporations, this new model will feature decentralized online solutions, without the control of any one company or person.

This provides a greater layer of security and privacy. Blockchain plays a fundamental role in this model by allowing recorded information to be stored in different locations. This makes it more difficult for an attacker to alter or even defraud this data.

This provides a greater layer of security and privacy. Blockchain plays a fundamental role in this model by allowing recorded information to be stored in different locations. This makes it more difficult for an attacker to alter or even defraud this data.

In Brazil, blockchain is already being used by companies and institutions. RNP, for example, uses this technology in its digital diploma issuing service. The federal government uses blockchain to issue the National Identity Card.

Initiative seeks researchers

Expected to last until January 2026, the Ilíada Project is looking for researchers who can work on developing the test environment that will be used for research and studies with blockchain. Each selected group will receive up to R$132,000 to work on the project for a period of one year. One of the requirements is that each group be coordinated by a researcher linked to a public or private educational institution. In addition, proposals must be related to some of the topics of interest, such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), security and privacy in blockchains, and others. Interested parties have until July 25 to register at this link. Read the public call for more information. 

The Ilíada Project will be the subject of a presentation at the BlockchainRio event, which takes place on July 24th and 25th. The panel “Public financing for blockchain development: MCTI and the case of the Ilíada Project” will show details of the initiative and discuss the importance of investing in blockchain.

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