WRNP presents solutions that promise to revolutionize health, safety and infrastructure

- 13/05/2024

The 25th edition of the RNP Workshop (WRNP) will present to the public technological advances and the main topics under discussion in research and development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), in Brazil and abroad. The event will be held on May 20 and 21, at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF).

Initiatives from RNP (National Education and Research Network) in Artificial Intelligence (AI), big science, cybersecurity, blockchain, optical fiber internet, among others, will be part of the program in debates with representatives of the scientific community and IT and innovation professionals.

This is the case of the Phase 2 Working Groups of the Advanced Services RD&I Program, which are creating new products and services from RNP that promise to revolutionize areas such as health, security and infrastructure. In this edition of WRNP, four of these projects will be presented with results. These include Metahealth, a training platform for preparing healthcare professionals through virtual reality simulation environments; SmartMed, a solution for managing medical data; GuardAI, a technology that quickly identifies theft and/or robbery of cables and equipment on university campuses and institutes; and OnE! (Eye on the Link!), which reduces the time to identify faults in the optical infrastructure and to repair these problems. The solutions are already in the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) validation phase and are looking for early adopters.

Technology and social impact

A debate on the 21st will discuss the positive social impact of technology and scientific dissemination. Renata Mello Feltrin, executive director of the technology company CI&T for Latin America and coordinator of communication and engagement for the UN Global Compact, has confirmed her presence on the panel. The panel will reflect on how these tools can be used effectively to disseminate scientific knowledge, engage communities and promote significant changes in society, including the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The WRNP will also feature activities on other RNP initiatives. Examples include the Conecta program, which aims to expand internet access in education and research in the country by installing 18 information highways, and e-Ciência, which provides high-performance connectivity for research centers working in “big science,” projects involving large groups of researchers and institutions – and the transmission of large volumes of data. 

Registration (online and in person) for the 25th edition of WRNP can be done in this link


Date: May 20 and 21, 2024

Location: Computer Science Institute of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) - Niterói (RJ)

Time: 8 am to 6 pm

Registration: http://wrnp.rnp.br

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