Diretor-geral da RNP parabeniza Embrapa pelos 50 anos e exalta parceria de longa data

- 26/04/2023

During the 1990s, RNP and Embrapa established a partnership that was formalized in 2012 and continues until today. Therefore, we could not let such an important moment go unnoticed as the 50th anniversary of our long-standing partnership!

To celebrate this special date, we invited the director general, Nelson Simões, to talk about the main milestones of cooperation and the benefits generated for both parties. 

Nelson Simões

“There is no doubt that RNP's path owes a lot to Embrapa, especially in Campinas, in those early years of the project. Afterwards, with our institutional maturation, it was possible for RNP to reciprocate and also collaborate with Embrapa. I think that, today, we support them in many initiatives and moments”, says Nelson.

Check out the full interview!

Embrapa is celebrating its 50th anniversary. We can say that a significant part of the institution's history was built with the support of RNP, which started the first partnerships in projects in the 1990s. How do you see RNP's performance for the evolution of Embrapa, both from the corporate point of view, as from the point of view of production of science, technology and innovation for the country? 

NELSON: An important part of Embrapa's role in which RNP helped was the integration of its research centers, generally located in areas poorly served by connectivity. The Community Networks initiative was important for this, as we created a model that would allow these centers to be integrated in optical fiber through this consortium of local institutions. Therefore, they strengthened the various consortia forming in the capitals and in centers in the interior and we were able to integrate centers that were very weakly served, in many cases by satellite. I remember my visit to downtown Boa Vista years ago. Here in Brasilia, there was Cenargen, which always used intensive ICT resources for genetic research, very close to RNP. But there were also Cerrados and Vegetables, one on the North exit and another on the exit to Goiânia, far away. Today, Gigacandanga, Redecomep Brasiliense has extended its services throughout the region. This vision that RNP and Embrapa complement and support each other is fundamental for boosting the high-level research results of these centers. The country gains with the knowledge and wealth generated and with all the qualification of digital services of the RNP System that is strengthened in the partnership.

In the last ten years, RNP has advanced in cooperation with Embrapa. Among the actions already carried out, the provision of high-speed internet access for decentralized units, the use of cloud computing, implementation of advanced services and training of professionals stand out. Today, RNP and Embrapa are moving towards an ambitious phase: leveraging the R&D area by building an IT aligned with meeting high-performance demands. How do you evaluate this new moment of the partnership?

NELSON: Embrapa's demanding computing and communication demands are a natural consequence of the high level of research they carry out. Therefore, together we are interested in preparing and offering environments for experimentation and use of information technologies to support this R&D agenda. The degree of innovation in Brazilian agricultural research, combined with RNP's ability to make the use of digital resources safe and predictable, is driving this new cooperation. We hope to integrate high performance computing centers, data centers among various organizations that use their services in Brazil. Together with other National Centers, RNP and Embrapa will form a special network to support transmission and secure storage and processing nationwide. We hope to learn and build together with Embrapa's technology specialists this environment for the integration of various research groups in Brazil and abroad.

From the point of view of business for RNP and also of science for the country, how do you see Embrapa's participation in the RNP System?

NELSON: Embrapa is active in many actions in the RNP System. We are partners in ICT initiatives, but also in open data, social communication, training, among others.

What message would you like to leave to all Embrapa employees and scientists on this 50th anniversary?

Learn more about the partnership between RNP and Embrapa!

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