Academic community gets new version of FileSender@RNP

- 25/04/2024

FileSender@RNP has gained a new look and several other benefits with the upgrade to version 3.0, which went live today, April 25th. RNP led this evolution of the service, an initiative of several academic networks around the world in favor of their respective communities. Also part of the collaboration are: AARNet (Australia), HEAnet (Ireland), SURFnet (Netherlands) and Switch (Switzerland).

In addition to the high capacity that is already a trademark, the service has now evolved in functional aspects to offer the best user experience, optimize the usability of the platform and make access even easier. 

FileSender 3.0 represents a significant leap forward in usability, security and efficiency compared to version 2.0.

Check out the main benefits and changes of FileSender V3:

1 – Graphical Interface: Clean, organized and user-friendly design, facilitating navigation and use of the tool for all users.
2 – Step-by-Step File Upload: File upload is divided into clear and intuitive steps, making the process easy for both beginners and experienced users.
3 – Folder Upload: Upload entire folders at once, including subfolders and their files, speeding up the process of sending large volumes of data.
4 – Added Service Limits: Information about service limits is now available on the "Upload File" page, promoting greater transparency and allowing users to be aware of the tool's usage restrictions.
5 – Enhanced Security: CAFe authentication for file downloads, protecting them against unauthorized access and ensuring data security.
6 – Improvements in Choosing the Expiration Date: Possibility to choose today's date as the expiration date, in addition to "Clear" and "Today" buttons to facilitate the date selection, making the process faster and more intuitive.
7 – Better Upload Experience on Slow Connections: Option to disable parallel upload on unstable connections, allowing for more stable and reliable uploads even in environments with limited internet.

1 – Language Selection: The language selection has been removed from the home page to simplify the interface and make it more intuitive. The selection can now be made on the "My Profile" page.
2 – Information available on the Home Page in Version 2.0 that was not included in Version 3.0: The information about the number and size of uploaded files on the Home Page, which was available in Version 2.0, is not included in Version 3.0. However, we are evaluating the possibility of bringing it back in the future.

Academy Feedback
During the webinar for the academic community, which had 179 registrants, the person responsible for FileSender at RNP, Jonathan Welley da Silva, was able to hear suggestions and compliments for the services and made a point of keeping the channel open so that the next developments bring solutions to the needs observed by users.

"I believe that user feedback is key to the continued evolution of FileSender@RNP, allowing us to offer the best possible experience to our users. In the new version, we have implemented several features based on valuable suggestions, such as: folder upload, information about service limits and API for integration. At RNP, we are facilitators and we are always committed. If this results in solutions that add value, agility and meet the demands of our community, we will always deliver. It is an honor to be responsible for FileSender@RNP and contribute to its continued growth", said Jonathan.

Major growth in 2024 

The first months of the year showed a significant growth of approximately 80% in the number of FileSender@RNP users compared to the same period in 2023. The increase in usage is directly linked to the marketing strategy used to reinforce the promotion of the organization's services among the academic community.  

Still don't know FileSender@RNP?

RNP's service allows multiple users to send and receive files easily, securely and free of charge. It is especially useful when you need to share very large files that cannot be easily sent via email due to attachment size limitations. Perfect for collaboration and resource sharing in academic and research environments! 


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