Federal Institute of Maranhão (IFMA) opens movie theater

- 07/03/2024

On March 1st, the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão (IFMA) inaugurated the Raimunda de Carvalho Sousa Cinema Theater on the Timon campus in an event that included a lecture and discussion groups on the exhibition and distribution of audiovisual materials, with themes surrounding photography, narratives and the fundamentals of cinema and theater. IFMA is an organization that uses the RNP System.  

According to the general director of the Timon-MA campus of the Institute, Rommel de Sousa Neves, the project is a pilot project in Brazil and the MEC intends to expand it to other units of the federal network. “The old auditorium had been closed since 2018, due to structural problems. The idea of ​​transforming it into a movie theater was to provide the neediest with access to cultural programs at no cost, since the majority of the population of Maranhão is low-income and cannot attend spaces such as cinemas or theaters,” said the director during the inauguration event.  

“The Federal Institute of Maranhão is taking the lead with this initiative, which is very important considering that the Brazilian exhibition industry is very small. Without a doubt, this is an initiative that can contribute to expanding access to Brazilian audiovisual productions, but especially those from Maranhão, so that more people can get to know these productions and can also contribute to audience development. This is something very positive and Brazil needs it,” highlighted RNP’s relationship manager, Álvaro Malaguti.  

Conif representative at Conecta Rede wants to bring cinemas to the entire federal professional and technological education network 

During the inauguration event of the movie theater at IFMA, the rector of the Federal Institute of Maranhão and representative of the National Council of Institutions of the Federal Network of Professional, Scientific and Technological Education (Conif) at Conecta Rede, Carlos César Ferreira, made a commitment to “raise this flag so that we can bring resources from both the Secretariat of Professional and Technological Education (Setec) and RNP to promote movie theaters like the one we are inaugurating, throughout the national territory”.  

“I will not be able to attend the next Conif meeting in Brasília, but I would like you to be a voice. Voices of what you are seeing here in Timon, to our peers, colleagues, rectors, of the importance of implementing elements like these in our policies, within our federal network that is internalized, that is capillary, but that needs to have this diverse perspective. Especially for issues related to art”, said the rector.  

Watch here the inauguration of the Raimunda de Carvalho Sousa Cinema Theater (Professor Mundoca).  

Cineteatro do IFMA

Com informações da assessoria de comunicação do IFMA 

Imagens: Divulgação/Assessoria IFMA

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