First information on the pilot e-mail service from RNP to Ifes

- 03/09/2014

On Wednesday afternoon, 09/03, the RNP Forum brought the first information on the RNP action on the analysis of solutions and models for the e-mail service to Federal Institutions of Higher Education (IFES) and other institutions. 

The RNP Service Management Deputy Director Antônio Carlos Fernandes Nunes recalled the overview which led to the work. “In September 2013, the press reported on the American spying for president, advisors, Brazilian companies, among others. In order to combat that, the government published Decree 8,135, of 11/04/2013, and its recent regulations through Ordinance nº 141 of 05/02/2014, which provide for data communications of the federal public administration.”

“This impacts the federal universities that have outsourced, in recent years, their email services to commercial providers,” he explained. With this scenario in mind, Antônio explained that RNP is developing a concept proof, aiming at providing a secure email pilot service to federal universities.

The director mentioned some legislation’s aspects, such as the need to have an auditable code and the entry into force of determination, 60 months from the May decree. “The proposal should be implemented by RNP with auditability code and autonomy for institutions. We are considering the service to of universities faculty, employees, and graduate students, only excluding undergraduate students at the moment, as well as giving priority to institutions that may be in more critical situation due to the new regulation,” he detailed. 


Antônio also revealed the RNP concern to establish a resilient and scalable infrastructure with the possibility of federated authentication encryption and viability. As model possibilities are the offer of a hosted, operated, and managed service kept by RNP; a mixed pattern with hosting and maintenance by a partner, but with management by RNP; and partner hosting, operation, and maintenance in a broker model. 

“105 requirements have been evaluated and the best solution for the specific scenario evaluated until now was the Zimbra Collaboration Server Professional,” guaranteed Antônio, who finished his presentation stating that the survey is still in progress and RNP is open to collaboration of universities and other institutions that are users of their network.

Educause overview

The panel also featured a presentation about EDUCAUSE, a nonprofit organization which the mission is to promote higher education through the use of information technology. 

The vice-president for teaching, learning and professional development of the organization Julie K. Little showed, by videoconference, how EDUCAUSE helps those who need to lead, manage, and use information technology to shape strategic decisions at every level. The institution is actively involved with colleges and universities, corporations, foundations, government, and other nonprofit organizations, to promote the mission of transforming higher education through the use of information technology. 

“As a strategy we use, first of all, IT as a game-change factor. One example is the concern to map out the mobility implications for the area. Another point is the construction of an occupation. At the base, we have the infrastructure and processes,” explained Julie.

The executive cited numerous EDUCAUSE actions, such as studies and panels, that will soon be available at the RNP 2014 Forum hotsite.

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