Land provided for the construction of a connection receipt station

- 12/08/2015

Angola Cables and the Fortaleza City Council signed an agreement, on July 24th, which sets forth the endowment of plots of land for the construction of the data center and the station to receive the SACS cable, which will connect the city of Luanda (Angola) to the city of Fortaleza (Brazil).

The cable should start operating in 2017, with a maximum capacity of 40 Tb/s. According to the own Angolan company, it will invest R$ 72 million in Brazil, over 50% of which in Fortaleza, the capital of the State of Ceará, with the generation of over 600 direct and indirect jobs.

In the same year, 2017, two other subsea cables should arrive in Fortaleza: Monet, which will connect the city to Miami (USA), passing through the city of Santos (State of São Paulo); and eulaLink, which will go to Lisbon. “We shall have three new international connections in 2017. Monet and eulaLink plan to dedicate part of its capacities for teaching and research, which represents a greater inclusion of Brazil in an international collaboration scenario”, RNP’s Research and Development director, Michael Stanton, guarantees.

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