Platform allows teachers to give personalized feedback to students through Artificial Intelligence

The feedback given by teachers to students about evaluative activities is fundamental for building students' knowledge and understanding about their learning trajectory. However, teachers are not always able to provide quality feedback in a timely manner, due to work overload and lack of time, generating frustration for all involved.  

In this context, a group from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), in partnership with the startup AIBox Lab and through the public call for WGs from RNP in 2021, proposed the development of the Tutoria platform, which aims to support teachers in correcting of evaluative activities more quickly, while maintaining quality and personalization.  

Tutoria was developed prioritizing usability, resources for correcting discursive questions, and artificial intelligence techniques. “It is a platform that helps teachers correct activities and directs this process towards the creation of complete feedbacks for the whole class”, explains WG FeedbackBOT coordinator Rafael Ferreira Mello. 

Currently, the resource is available to any user, who can register on the Tutoria website to start using.


Tutoria platform interface  


“During the years of partnership with RNP, we advanced a lot in the technological and business development of our solution. I believe that we have created a platform that can make a real contribution to improving education in Brazil when it is used by different institutions”, says Rafael Mello. For the coordinator, the combination of using artificial intelligence techniques with design to build the platform generated a “simple but powerful solution to assist teachers in the daily task of correcting activities”. “We hope that Tutoria will be a tool that will benefit teachers and students in the short term”. 

The project's next step, and also a more immediate one, will be to involve as many professors and institutions as possible in using the tool. “We are in contact with institutions of higher and basic, public and private education. In addition, we have some pilots to run in the next few weeks. From a technical point of view, we are going to develop a series of visualizations to support the teacher in the decision-making process during a course”.  

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