RNP announces projects selected in its Advanced Services RD&I Program for 2024

RNP announces the three Working Groups (WGs) selected for the first phase of the 2024 Advanced Services RD&I Program, which is focused on creating new products and services for the RNP System.  

We invite the entire teaching and research community to undertake with or without startups. The approved WGs will develop their respective Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) over 12 months, starting in June 2024:  

MaisAção WG: A Gamified Platform to Assist in Extension Curricularization  

Coordinator: Ricardo Tombesi Macedo - Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM)   

Innovation Leader: Betania Vahl de Paula   

Startup: Performance Vegetal  

Other partnerships: Regional Integrated University (URI), São Paulo State University (UNESP)  

Objective: creation of a gamified platform with suggestions for extension projects in partnership with the community with evaluation metrics and awards for higher education institutions (public and private).   

RedeLattes WG: The Next Generation of Academic Platform  

Coordinator: Reginaldo Cordeiro dos Santos Filho - Federal University of Pará (UFPA)  

Innovation Leader: Sintia Silva de Almeida  


Other partnerships: none  

Objective: development of an smart web platform, called RedeLattes, aimed at the automatic and intuitive analysis of academic CVs. With this platform, academic managers and researchers will be able to analyze, understand and expand the relationship network at a national and international level. 

Sokrates.ai WG Socratic Knowledge Platform   

Coordinator: Geraldo Bonorino Xexéo - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)   

Innovation Leader: Claudio Dipolitto de Oliveira  

Startup: InoveLab Inovação Cultura e Desenvolvimento 

Other partnerships: none  

Objective: creation of a platform that supports the creation of smart conversational applications that interact in a Socratic way with users, facilitating and democratizing the generation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions by non-specialist users. 

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