RNP announces projects selected by the Network Monitoring Program 2015

- 24/06/2015

On June 24th, RNP announced the list of projects selected by the public notice of Network Monitoring Program 2015. The call aims to promote the study of issues related to this area.

This year, eleven proposals were received. Of these, five projects were selected:

  • Development of new measurement techniques in broadband access networks

Proponents: Wladimir Cabral e Antonio Rocha (UFF)

  • Platform for monitoring and traffic analysis in a test network for new protocols performance evaluation and detection of anomalies in the Future Internet

Proponents: Igor Alvarenga e Otto Carlos Muniz Bandeira Duarte (UFRJ)

  • Exploring OpenFlow for network monitoring

Proponents: Edson Baião e Cecilia Cesar (ITA)

  • Transformation Service for correlation of the results of measurements on active measurement federations

Proponents: Jéferson Nobre e Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville (UFRGS)

  • FIBREOSS: A unified management system for the testbed Fibre

Proponents: Vitor Farias e Natalia Castro Fernandes (UFF)

This is the second call for proposals launched by Network Monitoring Technical Committee (CT-Mon), created by RNP, in 2011, to accompany the major technological advances in the area, through technological forecasting.

The expectation is that the Network Monitoring Program fosters continuous interaction of academics specializing in the subject and that the selected projects can provide inputs, both conceptual and practical, to the evolution of the network monitoring service provided by RNP, the MonIPÊ.

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