RNP takes part in international event that debates innovations in digital publishing

- 04/06/2024

The RNP team involved in the National Digital Textbook Program (PNLD Digital) was present at the Digital Publishing Summit 2024, an important meeting that brings together prominent professionals to explore the latest technologies for production, distribution and reading of digital content, held on 5/31, in Paris. The event is organized annually by the European Digital Reading Lab (EDRLab), an international, non-profit development laboratory that works to implement an open, interoperable and accessible digital publishing ecosystem around the world. 

RNP is a member of EDRLab for using the laboratory's support for the Thorium Reader reader solution and DRM (Digital Rights Management) in the PNLD Digital project and was invited to participate in the meeting for the first time. The organization was represented by the Solutions manager Roosevelt Benvindo, the Digital Projects manager, Alberto Yasuda, and the PNLD Digital consultant, Fábio Yoshioka. Managers from the National Education Development Fund (FNDE) also participated, including the director of Educational Actions, Anderson Wilson Sampaio Santos, and the general coordinator of Book Programs, Nadja Cezar Ianzer Rodrigues. Furthermore, representatives from the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), another active participant in PNLD Digital, were present.

Roosevelt Benvindo highlighted the importance of RNP's participation in the event, highlighting the strengthening of PNLD Digital through innovation and new technologies that promote accessibility and guarantee copyright. He also mentioned a meeting held the day before the event, 5/30, with members of EDRLab, in which the context of the project was discussed.

Alberto Yasuda emphasized the relevance of the Summit, highlighting the exchange of experiences with professionals in the digital book publishing and distribution sector from different parts of the world. According to him, this interaction was crucial to verify the evolution and improvement of the practices adopted by PNLD Digital.

About PNLD Digital
RNP is responsible for redesigning processes and modeling a proposed technological solution in a cloud environment for the National Book and Teaching Material Program (PNLD), where books will be made available in digital format. This federal government program aims to offer students and teachers in public primary and secondary schools, universally and free of charge, textbooks, literary books and quality Portuguese language dictionaries to support the teaching and learning process developed in classroom.

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