W3C releases guide for publishing data on the web

- 01/02/2017

The W3C, the international standardization consortium of the internet, published the document “Best Practices for Data on the Web”, produced by Brazilian experts from the Center for the Study of Web Technologies (Ceweb.br) of the Information and Coordination Core of Ponto BR (NIC.Br) and Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). The purpose of the guide is to direct professionals who publish data, searching for a set of practices capable of facilitating the work and of being understood by data consumers on the web.

The publication was the result of a multidisciplinary Working Group with a significant number of Brazilian collaborators, almost half of its members, from several universities (PUC-Rio, UFAL, Ufes, UFMG and UFPE), plus from the United Kingdom, the United States, Italy and the Netherlands.

The document was edited by Brazilians citizens Caroline Burle and Newton Calegari from Ceweb.br, and Bernadette Farias Lóscio, from UFPE. “The Web stands out as a means of data sharing, but this data cannot always be easily discovered, accessed and processed. The use of Good Data Practices on the Web is mandatory to leverage data sharing on the Web, since it ensures easy access and data reuse”, says the professor Bernadette Lóscio.

The Good Practices for Web Data document shows how professionals involved with information management, developers and others interested parties in sharing and reusing data can publish them in order to achieves greater benefits. Topics as metadata, access to and quality of data, information on its provenance, license and use are detailed in the document, which is available in full in English language, on: https://www.w3.org/TR/dwbp/.  The Portuguese translation will be soon available.

Source: NIC.Br

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