Women scientists make a daily difference in their fields

- 27/04/2022

Last March, Women's Month, we dedicated ourselves to bringing women scientists to the forefront. The recognition of these women – and of many others – is part of an initiative that seeks to change the scenario of inequality that still persists both in science and in other areas of activity. These are women who make a difference every day in their fields.

Fabiola Greve


Current director of the Computing Institute of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Fabíola works in the area of Networks and Distributed Systems, Software and Systems Engineering, in addition to being a reference in Blockchain studies. Today, she is an associate professor at the Department of Computing at UFBA and coordinator of the Blockchain Technical Committee at RNP.

She says that she has been passionate about algorithms since the beginning of her career, and began to apply distributed algorithms to build secure and reliable computing systems. Her passion led her to a doctorate at the Rennes I University in France.

On that front, she fell in love with Blockchain for its disruptive character. “Its properties change the axes of trust relationships, causing disintermediation at different levels, including within science”.

In coordinating the Gaudi group at UFBA, she leads research and projects that advance the state of the art in these areas. Currently, she coordinates RNP's Blockchain Technical Committee, dedicated to promoting and strengthening this ecosystem in Brazil.


Michelle Wangham


She works in the research areas of Computer Systems Security, Digital Identity Management and Vehicle Network Security. Today, she is a research professor at the Federal University of Vale do Itajaí (Univali), and a Research, Development and Innovation advisor at RNP.

Michelle Wangham is from Pará, mother of Luiza and Sofia and married to Luiz. In 1998, she moved to Florianópolis, where she did her master's and doctorate at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).

Michelle Wangham is one of the specialists in Identity Management in Brazil, an area dedicated to authorization and authentication, and systems interoperability. Why is this study important? It is the basis for managing identities of people, services and things, creating relationships and trust in virtual environments.

More recently, she has also been dedicated to the topic of data privacy, especially the journey of adaptation to the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), with a focus on IT.


Tereza Cristina


Tereza works in the areas of Advanced Internet, Digital Technologies, Sustainable Innovation, Energy Efficiency in IT and Industry 4.0.

Today, she is an associate professor at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP), as well as founder and general coordinator of LASSU (Laboratory of Sustainability), and founder and coordinator of CEDIR-USP (Center for Disposal and Reuse of Computer Waste)..

Professor Tereza Carvalho is a reference in Computer Networks at the University of São Paulo (USP), with more than 100 scientific and technological articles published in indexed journals, international and national conferences.

Her performance in sustainability has already yielded several awards, such as the InfoExame Innovation in Green Initiative Award (2010), the São Paulo State Government Award (2009 and 2008) for the disposal of IT waste and creation of the USP Green Seal.


Michele Nogueira


She works in the areas of Computer Networks, Network Security and Data Privacy. She is currently an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science at UFMG and a permanent member of the Graduate Program in Computer Science.

Michele Nogueira says that she has been passionate about science since her childhood, when she would spend her school holidays within the walls of the University, with curiosity, following her mother in the biochemistry laboratories. She developed an interest in the area of Computer Science as she perceived a space for creation and innovation based on the generation of knowledge through Science.

Today, she leads the Computer Security Science Center, where she has the opportunity to work with her undergraduate and graduate students and national and international collaborators.

In her free time, the professor swims, cycles and runs, as she is an amateur triathlete and sports enthusiast.


Rossana Andrade


Rossana Andrade works in Software Engineering and Computer Networks. Her focus is on mobile computing, ubiquitous computing and the Internet of Things.

Today she is a professor at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) in the Department of Computing and a member of the GREat (Group of Computer Networks, Software Engineering and Systems), which she founded in 2002.

A curiosity: her students won third place in the national final stage of the Huawei ICT Competition Brazil, on the Cloud Computing track.


Thais Batista


Thaís Batista works in the area of Computer Science, with emphasis on Software Architecture and Distributed Systems. She is currently a professor at the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte.

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