More than 37 thousand students from federal institutions receive chips of the Connected Students project of MEC

- 10/11/2020

Matéria atualizada em 10/11/2020

To make free internet available for students in vulnerable social-economic situation registered in institutions from the federal network from all over the country. This is the purpose of the Connected Students Project of the Ministry of Education (MEC), which was started by the National Education and Research Network (RNP). With the action, in this pandemic situation, it will be possible to resume the academic activities remotely and these students will be able to access the educational content offered by the institutions, where they study. More than that: the project contributes to make access to education more democratic, drive digital inclusion and reduce inequality in access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), mainly in areas more distanced from big centers, where the internet offer is still beginning.

This mission started transforming into reality: in the last weeks, 37,665 chips were delivered in 51 federal universities and institutions from the federal network of professional scientific and technological education all over the country, from Acre to Rio Grande do Sul. As soon as they were delivered to the institutions, the chips are unblocked by the operators and given to the low-income students they belong to by the requesting education institutions. This is just the beginning: in the first six months, the measure intends to benefit about 400 thousand students, prioritizing those, whose monthly family income is up to 0.5 minimum salary. 

37 mil chips entregues pelo MEC

Supported by the Federal Government, these students can use the broad band service at their homes by means of mobile data packs (4G). Once the students receive the chips, they will be ready for use and these students can take advantage of the benefit along the semester, without any browsing blocking. The initial charge of the chips is 20 GB, which is renewed on the 30th every month. The number of chips sent to each institution was established according to the need they have informed to the Ministry of Education. The only rule determined by MEC is that the classes at the universities cannot be suspended or without forecast for resumption.



For the Connected Students project, RNP works supporting the Ministry in the coordination of the agreement for contracting operators to provide the mobile data packs. 



Nelson Simões

One of the institutions, which has already received the requested chips was Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA). On Friday (10/9), 2,342 units were delivered at the institution and submitted to the students eligible to the benefit. Prof. Dr. Leonardo Silva Soares, Student Assistant pro-dean at the University comments: “When we became aware of the Connected Students Projects, we made a multi-sector technical committee to meet to all demands of RNP/MEC, because we knew that the availability of chips would be fundamental to assure connectivity of our students in vulnerable social-economic condition. We released a special call, selected the students, and now we are delivering the chips. We are very happy that we completed this process and I thank the entire MEC/RNP team, who have always given full support to the demands of Universidade Federal do Maranhão”.

UFMA recebe os chips do Programa Alunos Conectados
UFMA receives the chips of the Connected Students program

The chips were fundamental for students as Matheus de Souza Cardoso, who studies first year Chemical Engineering at UFMA. “When I entered UFMA, I had big expectation because it was a public and federal University, in addition to being a very special opportunity for me and my family. However, the pandemic came and classes were suspended.  Since the beginning, UFMA made efforts to resume classes, although on-line, for us, the student, not be impaired. They made some assistance available, such as tablet, and I was one of the beneficiaries. And now, with the Chip, it is excellent, because I can already assist the classes, I even made a test and downloaded a book from my area to manage studying. I feel I am at the University, having quality classes and virtual contact, which has been increasingly improved by the professors. In my opinion, these Chips have to be delivered all over Brazil, for more students to have access to information and education”, the youngster comments.

Source: Ministry of Education (MEC)

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