AdaptaBrasil MCTI and the climate tragedy in Rio Grande do Sul

- 10/05/2024

In light of the most recent climate tragedy that hit the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the media has been issuing warnings about the lack of preparation of municipalities to deal with events like this, which have become increasingly frequent – ​​and intense. 

On CNN, international analyst Lourival Sant’Anna addressed the need to create effective public policies and adequate investments to tackle climate change when commenting on the socioeconomic consequences of the heavy rains and flooding that are striking cities in Rio Grande do Sul. 

In this context, the journalist highlighted that AdaptaBrasil MCTI indicates the impacts of the climate crisis in different areas, in all Brazilian municipalities.

Sant’Anna notes, however, that most public managers not only do not use the platform, but also prioritize actions with immediate visibility, instead of preventive measures.

During his analysis, he further highlighted that the current pace of climate change is much faster than that experienced during the ice age, which presents significant challenges for the adaptation of life on the planet.

Furthermore, on GloboNews, a report said that, last year, states and municipalities were introduced to AdaptaBrasil. 

Journalist Rosana Cerqueira explained that the platform offers information and climate scenarios based on science and socioeconomic data, including projections up to 2050. 

Furthermore, she highlighted that AdaptaBrasil has been praised by scientists in Brazil and around the world, and reinforced that this is not a static tool – it will continue to be supplied and updated with new projections. 

Finally, Rosana stated that this information is essential for the development of public policies and for anticipating risks, such as possible damage to infrastructure in the event of serious climate events, such as the floods witnessed in Rio Grande do Sul.

The AdaptaBrasil MCTI platform is free and can be accessed here.

Important information

AdaptaBrasil's main focus is to present information for climate risk analysis, providing support to the competent authorities for planning medium and long-term adaptation actions. AdaptaBrasil does not aim to provide short-term information on situations that are currently occurring. This information is provided by agencies such as Cemaden, Cenad and Civil Defense.

The platform was created by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) and developed through cooperation between the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) and the National Research and Education Network (RNP).

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