AdaptaBrasil MCTI Platform is presented to partners of the Federal Government

- 04/05/2021

Within the schedule of the 17th edition of the National Week of Science and Technology (SNCT), last Thursday (10/12), the spotlight was turned to the platform AdaptaBrasil MCTI. The technological solution developed by the National Education and Research Network (RNP) and the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), supported by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), was presented to the partners of the Federal Government at the seminar “AdaptaBrasil MCTI - Contribution of Science to Adaptation measures”.

The AdaptaBrasil MCTI platform aims to consolidate, integrate and disseminate information about the impacts of the climate changes on the national territory. The technology indicates the trends of the impacts of the climate changes and oscillations in several sectors of the economy, the society and the environment, able to assist in the proposal, formulation and evaluation of adaptation actions.

The event opening was attended by representatives of the institutions which developed the technological solution. Márcio Rojas da Cruz, General Coordinator of Climate Sciences and Sustainability at MCTI started:

Márcio Rojas da Cruz, Coordenador-Geral de Ciências do Clima e Sustentabilidade do MCTI

"About two years ago, MCTI started the development of a platform with the purpose to monitor the impacts of the climate changes and offer series of relevant information to different players from our society: private sector, decision-makers, governments, researchers and the society as a whole in such as way that all decisions taken were based on the best available science", he recalls.

Nelson Simões, general director of RNP, endorsed: 

Nelson Simões

“We, from RNP, feel very honored and happy for being invited to this joint construction about climate impacts. It was a long creation process. Already in 2018, we started gathering a group of investors, specialists, people worried about this subject to think and model together. And thus, we managed to build AdaptaBrasil, mobilizing the best of knowledge, the best of the research units and the institutions in Brasil”.

AdaptaBrasil has several data providers, including RNP itself, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) and the Ministries of Health; Environment; and Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. The platform provides 85 indicators total associated with three strategic areas, which are handled under the concept of security: water, food and energy.


The risk of impact is traced by three elements: vulnerability, climate threat and exposure. Based on these indicators, it is possible to have pessimistic or optimistic forecasts for 2030 and 2050 which can be checked by managers and technicians from local, state and national governments; associations; the private sector and the civil society; technicians, who work in the National Adaptation Plan, and academic institutions, allowing it to be used to support and formulate public policies by means of scientific evidence.

The platform can also support the production of specialized knowledge and better understanding of how variability and climate change affect natural and human systems in Brazil, promoting higher environmental awareness in the civil society and contributing to a lower investment risk for the public and the private sectors.

Clezio de Nardin, diretor do INPE

“AdaptaBrasil is an important tool and has been thoroughly thought, a very deep scientific, technological and intellectual construction. It is a tool, which can subsidize the Government and the State in decision-making. It maps, identifies and consolidates the information associated with the effects caused by the extreme climate conditions. This is a process of constant construction, which aims precisely to consolidate, integrate and spread information to enable the progress in the observed and the forecast impact analysis”, Clezio de Nardin, director of INPE, comments.

In this first stage, data is available about the 1,262 municipalities in the semi-arid region located in ten states: Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Minas Gerais, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe. The area, which involves 37 mesoregions and 151 microregions, is with similar territorial order and already faces impacts of the climate change. Soon, the platform will be expanded to cover the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities. The information base will also be expanded to present analyses about infrastructure and health issues.


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