Book tells the story of the Brazilian Astrophysics Laboratory

- 08/12/2015

Researchers from the National Museum of Astronomy and Related Sciences (Mast) launched on December 7 the book “From the Mantiqueira Range to the Mountains of Hawaii”, which tells the story of the Brazilian Astrophysics Laboratory (LNA).

The work is organized into five chapters that narrate the path of building an observatory within the Brazilian territory, covering the management of the Brazilian participation in international consortiums and the development of scientific instrumentation, ending at a forecast for the future of the institution.

The edition celebrates the LNA’s 30th anniversary and the 35th anniversary of the Pico dos Dias Observatory, located in the city of Brazópolis, at the Mantiqueira Mountain Range, where the largest telescope within Brazilian territory is located.

Headquartered in the city of Itajubá (State of Minas Gerais), the LNA is connected to the Brazilian academic network Ipê, and is one of the institutions that use RNP’s monitoring service, the MonIPÊ.

Source: Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation

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