Brazilian platform on climate change adaptation will be presented at the COP-26 scientific panel

- 05/11/2021

The AdaptaBrasil MCTI platform – a national tool that provides information for analyzing the impacts of climate change – will be presented at COP-26 (26th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), in the space of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). At the conference, which takes place between 10/31 and 11/12, in Glasgow, Scotland, around 100 countries, including Brazil, are negotiating environmental commitments aimed at controlling climate change. The presentation of the AdaptaBrasil MCTI platform takes place this Saturday (6/11), at 12:00 pm (Brasilia time).

Marcelo Morales

“Brazilian science is imbued with the relevance of the challenges of climate change in the context of decision-making”, says the Secretary for Policy and Scientific Training at the MCTI, Marcelo Morales, present at the Conference.

According to the secretary, the AdaptaBrasil MCTI platform represents a maturing of scientific knowledge about climate-related risks and impacts in several strategic sectors for the country, as well as efforts to integrate science and public policies. “It is important for us to share these advances with other countries. International cooperation is a tool for all of us to follow more resilient development trajectories and face humanity’s greatest challenge”, he explained.

The specialist in adaptation and responsible for the platform at the MCTI, Diogo Santos, will explain what technical-scientific information is offered to managers and how it can be used in the formulation of public policies during the panel Regional Information on Climate: Central America, the Caribbean and South America.

The event will bring together IPCC authors to present the observed changes and projections related to climate change for the region and invited speakers to debate how to integrate the climate component in the formulation of public policies, including economic and socio-environmental aspects, with the aim of disseminating updated information on the impacts of climate change. The Brazilian scientist from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Lincoln Alves, who is lead author of the WG-1 of the IPCC's Sixth Assessment Report, will also participate in the panel.

About AdaptaBrasil MCTI

The initiative is unprecedented in Brazil and is science's contribution to adaptation actions. The technological solution that consolidates, integrates and disseminates information on the impacts of climate change. It offers robust technical-scientific information, that is, based on scientific evidence and in a very accessible way for all 5,568 Brazilian municipalities. The objective is to support decision-making by public and private managers on actions to adapt to climate change. The technology allows users to access data and composite indicators that express possible impacts for different strategic sectors, such as the water resources sector and energy and food security.

The first version of the AdaptaBrasil MCTI platform was launched in October 2020, with a territorial cut to the semiarid region. A year later, the platform covers the entire national territory. The solution of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI), developed in partnership with the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) and the National Education and Research Network (RNP).

See how the platform works:

Source: Information from MCTI
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