CAIS and PoP-BA presented an article on the Fraud Catalogue

- 27/07/2015

Service Center for Security Incidents (in Portuguese, CAIS) participated of the Integrated Conference ICCyber ICMedia 2015, held from June 23 to 25, in Brasília. In a partnership with RNP Point of Presence in Bahia (PoP-BA), CAIS submitted the article "RNP Fraud Catalogue: 7 years’ experience in the Brazilian electronic frauds treatment", selected among the best ones to the oral presentation in the event.

With more than 900 participants in this year's edition, the conference gathers two important and devoted events in forensic science of the IT, multimedia, and electronic security areas of Latin America, performed by the Brazilian Federal Police.

The RNP Frauds Catalogue is a source of information about electronic frauds in Brazil, serving as a basis of consultation, not only for the academic community, but also for the population in general. On such brochure, users may obtain information on the main frauds transmitted via email, what contributes to the prevention against virtual crimes.

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