Carlos Afonso and Liane Tarouco join the Internet Hall of Fame

For the first time, the Internet Society (ISOC) honored two Brazilians in the same year and nominated the executive director of the Instituto Nupef Carlos Afonso and the researcher at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) Liane Tarouco to integrate the Internet Hall of Fame. They join three other Brazilians who have already received the title: Demi Getschko (2014), Tadao Takahashi (2017) and Michael Stanton (2019).

The Internet Hall of Fame has been in existence since 2012, is presented by the Internet Society, and honors people who have significantly contributed to the development and advancement of the Internet. This year's awards were held this Tuesday (12/14), at 11 am (Brasilia time), with online broadcast, and recognized 21 individuals from 11 countries.

To learn more, visit the Internet Hall of Fame website.

About Carlos Afonso

Carlo Afonso

An active participant in the history of the internet in Brazil and current executive director of the Nupef Institute - Research, Studies and Training Center, Afonso has established himself as a researcher of great importance. In its trajectory, we find the development of what would become the first Internet service provider in the country, Alternex, and also the creation of the Internet Management Committee in Brazil (CGI.Br). Today, he is a member of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum (IGF).

In his inaugural speech, he dedicated the honor to the group of people involved in creating Brazil's first Internet connection abroad, during the ECO-92 event. “That same group of people involved in servicing ECO-92 also received the ISOC title, such as Demi Gestchko, Michael Stanton, Tadao Takahashi. Without them, the feat would not have been possible”, said Carlos Afonso.

Carlos Afonso was also keynote speaker at the RNP 2021 Forum. See his interview on RNP's YouTube channel.

About Liane Tarouco

Liane Tarouco

PhD in Electrical Engineering/Digital Systems from USP, Master in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, and professor at the same institution in the areas of Computing and Informatics in Education. She has authored more than 150 articles published in journals and 290 articles published in congresses, 5 books and 40 book chapters. She was the first author to publish a book on Computer Networks in Brazil, in 1977. 

According to the Internet Society, Liane Tarouco played a key role in the design and implementation of Brazil's first Internet backbone and helped educate a generation of engineers and network specialists in Brazil and beyond.


Brazilians honored by the Internet Society:

2014: Demi Getschko in the Internet Hall of Fame
2017: Representatives of academic networks are appointed by the Internet Society (Tadao Takahashi)
2019: Michael Stanton is honored by the Internet Society


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