Computing Law

- 27/11/2015

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) published in the Brazilian Official Gazette (in portuguese, Diário Oficial da União – DOU) the Ordinance No. 957 with new rules for the transfer of funds for the Priority Project and Programs in computing and automation. Released on November 19th, the text meet the determination of the Federal Court of Accounts (in portuguese, Tribunal de Contas da União - TCU), which established the criteria for the use of the funds already deposited and which will be invested in PPIs approved by the Information Technology Area Committee (Comitê da Área de Tecnologia da Informação - Cati).

The ordinance stipulates that at least 44.45% of the resources must be allocated to universities and research institutes accredited by the Cati, located in the Northeast, Central West region, and Amazon, except for the Manaus Free Zone. The funds allocated to Priority Project and Programs are an optional consideration to the requirements of the Computing Law.

"At least 44.45% for use in official or recognized research centers or institutes, or Brazilian educational entities, with headquarters or main establishment of business located in the regions of influence of Sudam, Sudene, and Central West region, except for the Manaus Free Zone, being at least 30% of the resources allocated to public entities," states the text published in DOU.

The Computing Law grants discount on the Industrialized Products Tax for the manufacturers of computing and automation goods and products. In return, they are required to invest 4% of the income arising from the goods with tax incentive in research and development projects in the country. Of this total, part should be done through agreements with accredited entities, but companies have the alternative of directing the resources to invest in the programs and projects defined as priority by Cati.

“Priority programs and projects are mainly those the government considers structuring to the development of the IT industry in Brazil”, said the general coordinator of Information Technology from the Computing Policy Secretariat (Sepin/MCTI), Adalberto Barbosa.

Currently, four projects are considered a priority by the government: National Microelectronics Program (Programa Nacional de Microeletrônica - PMN); Design, Manufacturing and Qualification of Products Electronics with Information and Communication Technology (HardwareBR); Program for Brazilian Software Excellence Promotion (Softex); and the Brazilian National Research and Educational Network (RNP).

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