CTIC/RNP launches coordinated call between Brazil and European Union for projects in the TIC segment

- 02/03/2015

The Computing Policies Secretariat (in Portuguese, Sepin) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (in Portuguese, MCTI) and the National Teaching and Research Network (in Portuguese, RNP), by means of its Digital Technologies Research and Development Center (in Portuguese, CTIC), has launched the 3rd Coordinated Call BR-EU in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The interested parties shall have until April 21 to send their proposals regarding the matters of could computing, high-performance processing or experimental platforms. The address for sending of the proposals is https://jems.sbc.org.br/ctic_eubr_3.

The purpose of the call is to strengthen the synergy between the competences existing in the Brazilian and European research and development communities. With that, it shall be possible to increment the sharing of information and scientific and technological information, qualified human resources and R&D infrastructures.

According to CTIC’s Project Coordinator, Wanderson Paim de Jesus, the 3rd Call with the EU is a great opportunity for proposals of a high scientific level and expected to yield innovative and applicable results. “The challenge is to explore the potential of both communities, Brazilian and European, in the search for solutions that entail benefits to the ICT market and the society”, he adds.

This is the third stage of the cooperation in R&D activities in the ICT segment between Brazil and the European Community, after the successful launches of the first and second Coordinated Calls between Brazil and the EU, held, respectively, in 2010 and 2012.

Find out how to take part in the 3rd Coordinated Call BR-UE in TIC

The opportunity is open for professors and professionals in the areas of engineering, computing, software, communication and computer networks; researchers and experts of Brazilian and European teaching and research institutions, as well as Brazilian and foreign companies; teaching and research institutions and organizations operating in the abovementioned areas.

The intention is to reach a close collaboration between the Brazilian and European R&D communities, considering especially institutions with strong ties with industries; mainly those specialized in the chosen themes.

For further information, access www.rnp.br/pesquisa-e-desenvolvimento/ctic.

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