Deadline to enter the contest Enlighten Your Research Global is extended

- 25/05/2015

It was extended until June 7th the deadline for proposals to Enlighten Your Research Global, international competition for research collaboration sponsored by the American academic network, Internet2. Institutions of researchers connected to the Brazilian academic network can submit proposals for any field of knowledge that demand new requirements for data transfers and global collaboration processes by networking.

The finalists have the opportunity to reach the desired results through high-performance network infrastructure operated by the 12 participating countries, and can rely on the advice of experienced performance engineers, to indicate the best circuit configuration for data transfers end to end.

The submission of proposals is organized in two phases: first, the researcher should identify their collaborative pairs, that is, institutions which need to download or transfer data. Also should describe your research process (workflow) and report the problems and communication currently observed. In the second phase, the engineers involved academic networks should perform communication tests and help researchers in gathering requirements to improve the data transfer performance.

The first Enlighten Your Research Global competition was launched in 2013 and awarded four projects that promoted international collaboration in research on climate, biology and computer science. At the time, the RNP supported a proposal with the participation of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro's Marine Microbiology Laboratory.

Besides Brazil, also participate in the Enlighten Your Research Global academic networks in the United States, Internet2 and ESnet, Australia (AARNet), Austria (ACOnet), Germany (DFN), Europe (Géant), the UK ( Janet), Poland (PSNC), New Zealand (REANNZ), Spain (RedIRIS) and the Netherlands (SURFnet and SURFsara).

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