Digital Health Update Program closes first stage with more than nine thousand enrolled

- 29/04/2023

The deadline for completing the first stage of the Digital Health Update Program (PAP-SD) ended yesterday, 4/28, and the free training, offered by RNP in partnership with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), had 9,014 students enrolled. Now, the 250 approved with the best grades, in the three courses of the first stage, and within the criteria established by the notice, will have the support of tutors to develop digital health activities focused on assistance, research and teaching. Classes in the second stage will be taught in a virtual learning environment at the Escola Superior de Redes (ESR). 

“It is important to highlight that for these 9,014 students we had the opportunity to offer free and current content on digital health. This was RNP's contribution, as one of the players in the digital health ecosystem, to achieving Priority 5 of Education and Training of Human Resources by promoting the training of Health Professionals and Managers, as well as promoting training for IT professionals, as proposed in the Digital Health Strategy 2020-2028", emphasizes Gilberto Branco, RNP analyst and responsible for the Program.

In the first stage of Basic Training in Digital Health, those enrolled had the opportunity to expand their knowledge repertoire based on an unprecedented model designed by specialists from the University Network of Telemedicine (RUTE/RNP), which has been operating in Brazil for 17 years.

The three courses (Basic Skills for Digital Health, Fundamentals for Digital Health and Applications for Digital Health) were offered in partnership with the Federal University of Maranhão (UFMA), in self-instructional format, on an EaD platform (remote), in order to enable the student to be the protagonist of his learning journey and understand the fundamentals and applications.

Depoimento aluna PAP-SD

In the second stage, students will receive support from tutors to carry out activities aimed at improving knowledge and developing the skills and attitudes needed to work in digital health, on three fronts: assistance, research and teaching.

Daniele Sodré, RNP's solutions manager, comments that “RNP will evaluate the results of the first stage, and based on a critical analysis of training evidence, will plan a new offer of Basic Training in Digital Health, with the support of the MCTI, possibly still in 2023”.

It is worth remembering: It is worth remembering: applicants who completed the first stage within the deadline defined for selection and meet the criteria of the evaluation activities can issue the certificate of completion of the Basic Training in Digital Health on the UFMA platform.

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