EAF begins implementation of Infovia 03: 600 km of optical fiber between Belém and Macapá

- 22/03/2024

The Authority for the Administration of the Range (EAF/Siga Antenado) has begun laying underwater fiber optic cables for the implementation of Infovia 03, which will connect Belém (PA) to Macapá (AP). Approximately 600 kilometers long, this infrastructure will connect several cities in Pará, between Macapá and Belém - São Sebastião da Boa Vista, Curralinho and Breves - on Marajó Island, and Bagres, on the mainland. 

This initiative marks the beginning of the cable launch, for the implementation of the six information highways planned by EAF, with the coordination of MCom, and support from EAD/Seja Digital, Army, and RNP, in the Amazon Region.  

With the implementation of Infovia 03, municipalities, public bodies and the general population, as well as local companies that play a fundamental role in regional growth, will be able to enjoy a stable and high-capacity connection, boosting the commercial and socioeconomic development of the region. 

Following the launch of the Infovia 03 cable, other information highways that are being developed by EAF will be launched. This marks a new stage in the Norte Conectado Program, following the completion of all route studies and obtaining the necessary environmental licenses for these implementations. 

“Infovia 03 joins Infovias 00 and 01, completing the important Belém - Macapá - Santarém - Manaus route. The launch itself is fast, the path to get there is long, and it is good that EAF has already taken this path and started it by launching the Infovia 03 cable”, says Eduardo Grizendi, RNP’s engineering and operations director. 

The metropolitan fiber optic networks also deployed in this project will connect 52 service points in six cities, including schools, hospitals, city halls and Armed Forces units. The Federal University of Pará - UFPA, was the starting point for the cable launch, highlighting the importance of education and research in this context of technological development. 

The project is part of the Norte Conectado Program, from the Ministry of Communications, which seeks to expand the connectivity infrastructure in the country, to meet the demands of public policies, including telecommunications, health, defense, judiciary, education and research. 


Norte Conectado 

Infovia 03 is an integral part of the Sustainable Integrated Amazon Program (PAIS) - Norte Conectado, a Federal Government program whose mission is to expand communications infrastructure in the Amazon Region. EAF, responsible for building six of them, plans to build a total of over 9,000 kilometers of cables and invest approximately R$1.34 billion. This implementation is divided into two stages, covering multiple states in the northern region of Brazil. 

RNP was the executor of the pilot project, Infovia 00, which connects five cities: Macapá, Almeirim, Monte Alegre, Alenquer and Santarém. Infovia 00 is the first of the eight infovias of the program, led by the Ministry of Communications.

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