Federal University of the South of Bahia innovates with an interdisciplinary education

- 05/02/2016

The academic model adopted by the Federal University of the South of Bahia (UFSB) is considered innovative in relation to other higher education institutions in Brazil, due to its concern with an interdisciplinary education, sustainability and social integration of its students. One of the main characteristics of the institution is the entry of the students into the interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree programs. Instead of having to decide their careers at the time of the entrance examinations, the students first choose one from among four great areas of expertise: Arts; Humanities; Health; Science and Technology. After completing this first cycle, which lasts three years, the students may make a more specific choice, by opting for a professional career.

This format is already adopted in other institutions in the country, such as the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA) and the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), in the State of São Paulo. However, in addition to this possibility, access to the University of the South of Bahia was extended thanks to a network of university schools, set up in cities of the region with over 20 thousand inhabitants.

These schools, which work as academic centers outside the campus, offer the same general education programs as UFSB at nighttime. According to the university’s vice-dean, Joana Guimarães, the classes at the university schools are given through distance learning and possible thanks to the use of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). “There is strong interaction in the real-time classes. We have experts from the City of Itabuna who give classes at the towns in the countryside by videoconference and later travel to in-person activities”, she explains.

The students who went to high school in public schools of the South of Bahia are entitled to 85% of the spots in the university schools. After doing the interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree programs, the students are qualified to proceed with their studies in one of the teaching degrees, at the specific education stage. Another form of entry into the UFSB is through the Nation-wide High School Examination, where 55% of the spots are also reserved for alumni from public schools.

The structural change proposed by the UFSB is constantly compared to the forms of entry into American and European universities. In operation since September 2014 and a member of the Brazilian National Research and Educational Network (RNP), the university’s guidelines are the massive use of technology, regional development and inclusion, to the benefit of the students who have difficulty accessing higher education.

Photo: Itabuna campus.

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