Fiocruz Units and the SARAH Hospital Network join the RNP System

- 03/04/2024

Eleven units of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) and nine rehabilitation hospitals of the SARAH Network have completed the process of joining the RNP System. The agreements between RNP and the organizations aim to ensure development, management and improvement, as well as to allow access to and enjoyment of the functionalities provided in the System, in addition to maintaining RNP connectivity.   

Fiocruz is already part of the group of organizations that were already connected to RNP. The current accession had the objective of expanding and formalizing participation in the RNP System as a User Organization, in accordance with the new Usage Policy, which establishes the organization's responsibility to contribute to the shared costs of the RNP System, which will allow for better distribution of new economies of scale in the long term, and to remain in full compliance with the referred legal frameworks.  

In addition to benefiting from the new features offered by the RNP System (connection, advanced network services, among others), the formalization of the presence of Fiocruz and its units throughout the country will also benefit participation in collaboration networks that promote technical-scientific content through RUTE's Special Interest Groups (SIG), and participation in RNP's Digital Health Technical Committee. 

“Joining the RNP System is an important milestone for Fiocruz. Although the institution is already a user of some RNP services, joining the System will allow the institution to enhance its role in promoting health and scientific and technological development, disseminating and sharing knowledge aimed at promoting the health and quality of life of the Brazilian population,” says Misael Araújo, general coordinator of Information Technology Management at Fiocruz.  

According to Araújo, with the agreement, Fiocruz is now effectively integrated into “an innovative digital platform, going beyond the already known network connectivity services, CAFe, Eduroam and Filesender and enabling the institution to use other solutions such as telephony, digital certification, cybersecurity, among many others”. 

The SARAH Network has joined the RNP System in nine units: Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte (MG), São Luís (MA), Salvador (BA), Fortaleza (CE), Macapá (AP), Belém (PA) and two units in Brasília. The units are interconnected by remote communication technologies, perform video consultations and share electronic medical records, diagnoses of pathologies, cases and radiographic and photographic images, as well as exams.  

“Initially, each hospital unit was served by two different telephone operators. The service had a slower speed and was more susceptible to failures. By joining the RNP network, we received an Internet connection with higher speed and it proved to be more stable. This allowed for other gains, such as concentrating the email server only in Brasília and bringing the database from Macapá, Belém and Lago Norte to the central unit”, said the head of the IT area of ​​the SARAH Hospital Network, Alexandre Tauil.  

 Learn more about the RNP System.  


Fiocruz (Foto: Peter Ilicciev)
Rede SARAH de Hospitais - Unidade Lago Norte Brasília (Foto: Nelson Kon) 

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