Get to know the 2014 SCI courses

- 06/10/2014

The 20th edition of RNP Seminário de Capacitação e Inovação (Training and Innovation Seminar - SCI) will be held in Belo Horizonte (in Minas Gerais), from October 20 to 24. The event is directed towards RNP 27 Points of Presence (PoPs) throughout the country and to Information Technology professionals of the Ipê network user organizations. As occurred in the previous edition, original and brief courses (workload of 20 hours) addressing current topics of the TIC and networks universe will be offered at the 2014 SCI. Check below the courses’ options offered this year:

Cloud storage with Openstack

Instructor: Guilherme Maluf Balzana

The course aims to train IT professionals to operate and support the cloud storage system of the Openstack platform.

Required knowledge: It is desirable that the students has experience with configuration of GNU/Linux operating systems and command line interpreters (shell).

Desirable skills: other skills are not needed.

ICPEdu service

Instructor: Jean Everson Martina

The ICPEdu project seeks to deploy a generation of digital certificates service for the research and teaching community, with the purpose of using it for authentication, digital signature and encryption, through a public keys infrastructure with a Root Certifying Authority (CA) and institutional CAs in each user institution of the service. This course aims to train people who will participate on the deployment of the Public Keys Academic Infrastructure at their respective institutions, of the integration between ICP and Federation and/or people interested in ICP and Digital Identities. At the end of the course, the student will get to know the necessary foundations for establishing and maintaining an ICP and/or intermediate Certifying Authority (CA), as well as its integration with the federated environment.

Required knowledge: Understanding of computer networks and install packages in Linux.

Desirable skills: Notions of encryption, electronic document and configuration of web services.

Science DMZ: Support infrastructure for eScience applications

Instructor: Fernando Frota Redígolo

Science DMZ, or Science Demilitarized Zone, is a proposed network architecture that aims to create a segregated area of the campus’ internal network, close to the border router, providing an optimal environment for data transfers without suffering performance limitations caused by internal network security firewalls. Science DMZ’s concept originates from (external link), which describes a proposal to create a specialized segment of a laboratory or campus network, specialized for a high-performance scientific computing, with differentiated policies and settings to those existing in the production network, located close to the network perimeter and that support the use of broadband scientific applications. This course’s goal is to spread the best practices for deployment of this proposed architecture, as well as the challenges imposed by the eScience applications for the current networks.

Required knowledge: Concepts of architecture and computer networks; concepts of Linux server administration; familiarities with UNIX tools.

Desirable skills: Knowledge of the institution’s network architecture (ex: connection with PoPs, firewalls etc.) and programming in shell script.

Basics of MPLS and layer 3 VPN

Instructor: Adilson Aparecido Florentino

The course prepares the student to deploy the MPLS technology to corporate networks’ backbones, focusing the creation and offering layer 3 VPN to client companies.

Required knowledge: Basics of computer networks and IP addressing.

Desirable skills: BGP deployment to an IP backbone.

Deploying a safety network infrastructure

Instructors: Júlio Henrique Conceição and Italo Valcy

The course will address the main tools, methods and good practices for the deployment of a safety network infrastructure. Based on Open Source tools, the course has a practical approach, encompassing deployment, configuration and optimization of solutions in an integrated manner. At the end of the course, students will be able to implement security solutions quickly and efficiently, combining them with their institution’s current scenario, or even creating a new infrastructure.

Required knowledge: Basic knowledge of information security and systems; basic knowledge of TCP/IP architecture; functioning of operating systems.

Desirable skills: Basic concepts of cryptography, routing, text editing and running commands in terminal mode (Linux).

Deploying an ETIR/CSIRT

Instructor: Yuri Alexandro da Silva Ferreira

The course presents the steps for creating, training and operating a Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT), focusing on the development of conceptions about mission, the intended audience, which services can be developed and how to operationalize its operation in terms of resources, policies and procedures. Each student will leave with a broad view of what must be done to implement a CSIRT on its organization, with discussions and practical orientations about the covered topics.

Required knowledge: Basic understanding of networks, information security and regulatory instructions of DSIC/GSIPR.

Desirable skills: Knowledge of NBR/ISO IEC 27000 family rules and ITIL concepts.


Instructor: Fabio Gomes Barros

The goal is to develop a Master Plan for Information Technology (MPIT), according to recommended best practices.

Required knowledge: There is no required knowledge.

Desirable skills: Basics IT knowledge.


Instructor: Edson Kowask Bezerra

The course presents the need and the importance of an IT governance framework, the COBIT5 structure and how it collaborates supplying the latest IT governance. From the understanding of COBIT5, the course aims to identify at the organization the needed processes to its deployment.

Required knowledge: There is no required knowledge.

Desirable skills: Strategic planning of the IT environment or equivalent.

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