GNA Community counts on another Brazilian leader

- 21/03/2023

On 03/14, the new composition of the GNA-G leadership team, successor to GLIF, (Global Lambda Integrated Facility) was announced as an international collaboration of teaching and research networks. Senior Network Engineer Alex Moura (KAUST - King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) has been appointed to a leadership position at the Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G) for a four-year term.   

Moura joins another Brazilian, the technical manager of the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (RedCLARA), Marco Teixeira, also appointed to occupy a leadership position in the Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G), with a four-year mandate, in December 2021.  

“I am honored to have been chosen among so many incredible and highly experienced professionals, and look forward to collaborating with them in the future. As a member of the leadership team, I want to collaborate and provide a dynamic and inspiring work environment, where each team member feels valued, motivated and supported”, said Moura. “I want to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to my journey this far and helped me reach this leadership position, including friends, colleagues and longtime partners of RNP”.  

The GNA-G is an international community of academic networks that aims to make interconnections between continents more efficient for global scientific collaborations and transnational education and meets a few times a year. The work is done in Working Groups and supervised by the Leadership Team, currently formed by David Wilde, (AARnet - Australia), Harvey Newman (Caltech - USA), Buseung Cho (KISTI - South Korea), Ivana Golub from the Polish academic network (PSNC), as well as Marco Teixeira and Alex Moura.  

“This is an excellent opportunity to represent Latin America and take our claims directly to the international community”, celebrated Marco Teixeira at the time. Alex Moura, in turn, highlights that he is “anxious to work in this international team, sharing knowledge and experiences and, together, shaping the future of GNA-G, realizing its potential for sustainability and transformation of academic networks”.  

Learn more about GNA at the initiative website

About Alex Moura


Alex Soares de Moura holds a master's degree in Computer Networks from Unirio (2009) and a degree in Informatics from Unicarioca (2001). At RNP, he was R&D manager of Networks for Experimentations by the Research, Development and Innovation Directorate, coordinating cyberinfrastructure, measurement and open data projects. He was also an innovation project reviewer for the US Department of Energy (US DoE). Between 2011 and 2021 he was Secretary of the Technical Monitoring Committee (CT-Mon) and currently continues as a collaborator for technological prospecting activities and production of the committee's vision of the future report. 

In RNP's R&D area, he coordinated research and development projects in the areas of cyberinfrastructure, e-science, future internet, advanced internet, SDN, testbeds, network performance analysis and measurements, artificial intelligence and machine learning, information security, anomaly detection and IoT. He was postgraduate coordinator at Instituto Infnet and professor at Unicarioca, having taught several courses for Cisco CCNA certification.  

Participates in international projects and communities such as CT-Mon by RNP, GNA-G, ACM, IEEE, JET (NITRD), AutoGOLE/SENSE and perfSONAR, among others. 


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