How to avoid cyber attacks? RNP 2022 Forum will address the issue

- 22/08/2022

Event will have big names in the area, from August 30 to September 1 

Brazil has evolved considerably in terms of international cybersecurity standards. According to the last survey of the International Telecommunications Union (UTI), an agency linked to the UN, we jumped from the 70th position in 2018 to the 18th in 2020. Even so, the country is still one of the main targets of this type of crime. Just last year, 71 million Brazilians suffered an attack on their computers, cell phones, emails or other devices. 

To better understand this scenario and think collectively about possible solutions, the  RNP Forum 2022 will convene a team of experts to lectures, panels, workshops and flashtalks on the subject of Cybersecurity and Privacy. The event will be in 100% digital format, from August 30th to September 1st, and  registration is still open. 

Panel will provide insights on how to prevent security incidents 

RNP's information security analyst, Leandro Jazenko will present proposals to reduce the risks of cyberattacks. To break the ice of the serious subject, the panel brings a humorous title: “Incidents could be avoided and we can prove it”. Scheduled for August 31, at 3 pm, the debate will also include the participation of Jeferson D'Addario, from Daryus consultancy, and Vanessa Pádua, director of cybersecurity at Microsoft for Latin America. 

“Effective vulnerability management, a consistent information security risk management process and punctual and periodic invasion tests on systems and infrastructures are a great start to prevent incidents”, says Jazenko. 

The panel also intends to draw attention to the need for companies to increase their level of vigilance. According to the  Digital Security Barometer survey, carried out by Instituto Datafolha, only 32% of companies in some of the main sectors, such as finance and retail, have a cybersecurity area. And this despite the fact that 57% of them suffer attacks with medium or high frequency. 

“It is no longer possible, in an environment of ever-increasing synergy between the digital, the physical and the personal, that cyber risks, which affect countries, companies and individuals, are left in the background”, warns Emilio Nakamura, deputy diretor for cybersecurity at RNP. 

For Nakamura, the way to reduce these numbers of companies victims of cybercrime necessarily involves prevention and speed of reaction. “One of the great secrets of cybersecurity, which is linked to resilience and trust, is the ability to respond and recover from a cyber attack, based on a detection capacity”, explains the director. 

Cybersecurity in focus 

On the first day of the RNP Forum, August 30th, the panel “Panorama and cybersecurity trends in Brazil and in the world” will bring a more global approach to the most recent cyber threats and their impacts in different countries, at 4:10 pm. Representatives of the Federal Police, the Mineral Resources Research Company (CPRM), AWS and the Center for Studies, Responses and Treatment of Security Incidents ( will participate in the panel. 

On the following day, August 31st, at 4:10 pm, the topic will be discussed again in the lecture “The Use of RNP's Cyberinfrastructure in support of Research in Cybersecurity”. Gustavo Dias, Research & Development manager, and Marcos Schwarz, from the Research, Development and Innovations Board, both from RNP, will present a history of the institution's performance in the sector. Among the projects that will be analyzed is MENTORED, which seeks to investigate problems in the intensification of the use of the Internet of Things (IoT). 

The event also features special presentations by keynote speakers, Yasodara Córdova and Miriam Wimmer, who  will talk about privacy and protection of personal data, and many other guests. See the full schedule here. 


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