Institutions share experiences of management excellence

- 04/09/2014

Two leading institutions in healthcare management, the University Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto, of the University of São Paulo (Universidade de São Paulo - USP) and the Children’s Institute, also from USP, were invited to share their management experiences in the session of Governance and Leadership, on the third day of the III RNP Forum.

The coordinator of the University Hospital of Ribeirão Preto, Maria Eulália Lessa, presented the Commitment to Quality Program, implemented by the unit to improve the hospital care. “For this reason every strategic objective was translated into actions. The engagement of all was one of the reasons for success”, she said.

Maria Eulália also noted that the institution received recognition for its concern with environmental management. “We have an area in charge for managing all waste produced and received an award for being a hospital friendly to the environment”, he said.

According to the quality and risk management advisor of the Children’s Institute, Sara Diniz, the National Program of Health Management was adopted by the institute. She said that one of the success factors was the choice of internal and external evaluators for the visit to different institutes of USP’s Hospital. “We get to know ourselves. We were losing the good practices that were already being performed in other institutes”, said Sara. 

With this work, the Children’s Institute won the National Award in Health Management in the silver category in 2007/2008. “I believe we have reached this level of maturity. We had a systemic view and began seeing the institute as a whole. As for the results, it is not enough to for them to appear, it is necessary to compare the results with the best in the market”, said Sara.

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