Latin America occupies a leading position in the GNA community

- 16/12/2021

On 12/15, the technical manager of the Latin American Cooperation of Advanced Networks (RedCLARA), Marco Teixeira, was appointed to a leadership role in the Global Network Advancement Group (GNA-G), with a four-year term. GNA-G is an international community of academic networks that aims to make the interconnections between continents more efficient for global scientific collaborations and transnational education.

The GNA-G Community meets a few times a year. The work is done in Working Groups and supervised by the Leadership Team, currently formed by David Wilde, (AARnet - Australia), Harvey Newman (Caltech - USA), Buseung Cho (KISTI - South Korea) and Erik-Jan Bos ( NORDUnet – Scandinavian countries). In addition to Marco Teixeira, Ivana Golub from the Polish Academic Network (PSNC) was nominated for the other vacancy available.

“This is an excellent opportunity to represent Latin America and take our claims directly to the international community”, celebrated Marco Teixeira.

Learn more about GNA on the initiative's website. 

About Marco Teixeira

Marco Teixeira

Marco Teixeira is a graduate and postgraduate in Computer Networks with an MBA in Project Management. He has 16 years of experience in configuring and managing IP networks, as well as structuring data centers. At RNP, within the Engineering Nucleus of RedCLARA, he was responsible for the development of engineering projects for the Latin American network, with emphasis on the development of connectivity and infrastructure solutions.

In addition, it develops activities aimed at the proper functioning of the network, with the implementation of technical solutions to identify problems and opportunities for improvement. 

Since 2019, he has held the position of Technical Manager at RedCLARA, where he is responsible for managing technical teams (NOC, NEG and SEG) and developing cooperation projects such as BELLA and Amlight.. 

During this period, he was responsible for the development of a strategy to reduce expenses using different methods such as contract negotiation, alteration of topology links, generating annual savings of 50% of the OPEX budget.

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