Liane Tarouco e Walter Willinger são os keynote speakers do WRNP 2022

Highlights of the 23rd RNP Workshop, Liane Tarouco, researcher at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and Walter Willinger, chief scientist at NIKSUN, are among the biggest names in technology in the world. The keynote speakers at the event, held on May 23 and 24, will deliver the opening sessions in different formats. Liane will be interviewed by RNP's Director of Research, Development and Innovation, Iara Machado, and Willinger will give a lecture on artificial intelligence (AI) in the computer networks area.

Liane Tarouco

Inducted to the Internet Hall of Fame in 2021, Liane Tarouco was part of the process of implementing the computer network in Brazil. Graduated in Physics and Master in Computer Science from UFRGS, she has a PhD in Electrical Engineering / Digital Systems from the University of São Paulo (USP). Currently a professor and researcher at UFRGS, she works as coordinator of the Graduate Program in Informatics in Education and develops research in immersive virtual worlds, experiential learning, active methodologies and mobile learning, as well as management in computer networks.

For Liane, participating in workshops, such as the 23rd WRNP, is an opportunity to hear about innovations in the networks area. “People's flexibility, to look at novelties with a healthy curiosity, to investigate how they actually work, what benefits they can bring and what problems they can also cause, is necessary and has to be practiced”, she said.

The researcher says that networks were like that at the beginning. “We didn't know much about the total benefit they would bring. But we were investigating, experimenting, pioneering works, solutions that at a given moment didn't even seem so essential and that later proved to be a fantastic thing”, commented Liane.

walter willinger

An expert in artificial intelligence and one of the world's leading experts in the field, Willinger will share his experience as chief scientist at the cybersecurity company NIKSUN. His lecture will address advances in AI for the computer network area with applications in education, culture, telemedicine, cybersecurity, among others.

Graduated in Mathematics from ETH Zurich and Master and PhD in Operations Research and Industrial Engineering from Cornell University, Willinger received in 2005 and 2016 the 'Test of Time' award, given by the Data Communications Special Interest Group of the Association for Computing Machinery, for two articles in which he was co-author. In addition, his 2005 award-winning article “On the Self-Similar Nature of Ethernet Traffic” is featured in the book "The Best of the Best - Fifty Years of Communications and Networking Research", a publication of the IEEE Communications Society from 2007, which compiles the most notable articles published in the fields of communication and networks in the last 50 years.


Registration for the 23rd WRNP is open

For the third year in a row, the RNP Workshop will be online. The event is free and aimed at researchers, professors, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as IT and innovation professionals. The program will also address topics such as neutral chip, quantum technologies and deep techs. For the full event schedule, click here. Registration is open and can be done through  this link.

WRNP 2022 takes place in parallel with the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC), organized annually by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC).

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