OpenRAN@Brasil extends registration deadline for startup call

The deadline to register for the public call for startups in the OpenRAN@Brasil Program has been extended until February 22nd. Registration is free and started on December 15, 2023. Startups interested in participating in the selection process must apply to the JEMS System through this link.

About the public call for startups

OpenRAN@Brasil is calling on startups that develop 5G applications to collaborate with the program, which aims to accelerate the production of telecommunications technologies in the country in open networks. Those selected will receive up to R$100,000 and will have access to the 5G testing platform based on Open RAN (Open Radio Access Network) to validate solutions. This is the first time that the institutions implementing phase 1 of the program, RNP and CPQD, have held a public call for startups. Access the notice.

The selected startups will be hired for five months. During this period, they will be able to conduct tests linked to proposals for the use of 5G technology within the program environment, in addition to having access to training courses, experimentation tools – such as 5G cell phones and augmented reality glasses, among others – and team monitoring from RNP and CPQD. In return, they must provide feedback to improve and evolve the platform – which also ends up benefiting the evolution of the OpenRAN@Brasil project.

Initially, two experimentation spaces will be made available: one located at RNP, in Rio de Janeiro, and another at CPQD, in Campinas.

Companies interested in participating must indicate their area of ​​activity using 5G, which can be in education, telecommunications, health, entertainment, agriculture, among other areas. The selection process will take place in two stages. In the first, it will be verified whether the participant meets the requirements listed in the notice – such as being based in Brazil, having a regular tax status, among other points – and the proposal submitted, in which points such as use of the experimentation environment, the business model and solution will be assessed. The second stage involves interviews with those responsible for the proposal and the startup.

Access documents related to this call:

Testbed OpenRAN – Physical and logical environment

Proposal Reference Model for startups

List of Experimentation Terminals

Recording of the Questions Webinar

Further information can be found at:

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