Ransomware in focus: Find out what happened at RNPSeg'22 with the theme “Security against ransomware cases: a strategic approach”

Ransomware attacks are already part of the risk of every business. That's what a survey by Sophos shows, which, after consulting with more than 5,700 organizations worldwide, found that 37% of companies have already suffered a ransomware attack in 2021.  

In Brazil, the scenario is even more worrying. In a survey carried out by Fast Facts, from Trend Micro, a multinational cybersecurity company based in Japan, the country is part of the ranking of the five countries that most suffer ransomware attacks, occupying the fourth position, behind the United States, Japan and Taiwan and ahead of Turkey alone.  

Faced with this reality, managers have a great challenge ahead of them. For this reason, RNPSeg'22, an event promoted by the National Education and Research Network (RNP) and aimed at executive-level IT managers with an emphasis on cybersecurity, had as its theme “Security in cases of ransomware: a strategic approach”. 

We invited the executives Ricardo Tavares, managing partner of Gemina Threat Intelligence, Marcos Ide, specialist in Information Security at the Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications (CPqD), and Marcelo Lau, specialist in information security Data Security/FIAP, to talk about this type of attack.  

The event promoted reflections on how ransomware should leave technical discussions to occupy strategic discussions in organizations. Speakers discussed the most efficient management approaches to creating an assertive protection plan against this type of attack. Topics such as cyberwar, internet of things, crisis management and business continuity also permeated the conversation.  



It is not new that ransomware has been worrying organizations. However, according to Marcos Ide, from CPqD, this type of attack has evolved and brought new points of attention to cybersecurity managers and teams.  

“Ransomware, when it first appeared, was malicious software that encrypted machines and demanded payment for you to decrypt that code. Over time, ransomware has become a business model and, today, there is already a whole value chain based on exploiting this malware. It is no longer just software that practices extortion and charges for reacquiring lost data. Now there is a double extortion. In addition to the concern about recovering data that was corrupted, organizations are still at risk of having their data leaked”, explained the expert.  

On how this type of attack works, Ricardo Tavares explains that ransomware is a very profitable business. “Cybercrime has a return on investment of more than 150%. No business in the world gives you such a high return on investment. This cybercrime is so structured that there are divisions within the business. There is an expert who creates the cyberweapon, the expert who will spread it, the one who will negotiate the ransom… cybercrimes are businesses that are becoming more and more specialized”, he said. 

Watch a little more about this high-level discussion. Find out what happened at RNPSeg'22 by accessing our playlist with the best moments of the event:


The RNPSeg'22 was carried out by the Security Incident Response Center (CAIS/RNP). The event lasted approximately two hours and had a digital audience.  

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