RNP and Secti-BA sign an agreement to expand connectivity on Uneb’s 22 campuses

- 23/02/2024

Expand connectivity on the 22 campuses of the State University of Bahia (Uneb) spread across the entire Bahian territory. This is the main objective of the Development Agreement signed on Monday 3/19, at the Rectory of Uneb, in Salvador, between the academic institution, the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti) of the state of Bahia and the National Network of Teaching and Research (RNP). The signing was attended by the secretary André Joazeiro, the dean Adriana Marmori, the RNP Institutional Relations analyst, Sônia Melo, the technical coordinator of the RNP Presence Point in Bahia (PoP-BA), Thiago Bomfim, the representative from the Salvador Metropolitan Network (REMESSA), Claudete Alves, among other authorities.

In addition to expanding the quality and capacity of the internet, the agreement provides for the development of joint actions related to communication networks and the use of Information and Communication Technology. In practice, Uneb units become part of the Brazilian Academic Network for Education and Research, called Rede Ipê, maintained by RNP, which supports the transmission of large volumes of data for scientific projects and the development of new technologies.

Secretary André Joazeiro highlighted the need to provide universities with a powerful network that meets the wishes of the academic community. "The academy needs to use a robust network, both for communication and, for example, to carry out a technological development test, in which you need a network with capacity, speed and reach throughout Bahia. Uneb is a multi-campus university, with immense capillarity, which needs to be connected so that we can work as a network". 

Dean Adriana Marmori celebrated the signing of the agreement that will benefit professors, students and technicians at the university. "I am very happy that we were able to reach the moment of signing the agreement, because today no activity is experienced, especially within the academy, without having a powerful communication and internet network to support teaching, research, extension, to our students, technicians and professors", he said when revealing the investment of 1.2 million in switches by Uneb.

The collaboration between Secti, RNP and Uneb is a key point in this partnership, according to Sônia Melo, responsible for signing the agreement as a representative of RNP. "This is another step that represents a collaboration for all parties, in order to help RNP to also go further in this process of internalizing our infrastructure for teaching and research in Brazil. (I also highlight) the pleasure of being able to connect and charge Uneb campuses to go further".

* With information from ASCOM, Secti-BA and Uneb.

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