RNP launches new GT call for e-Health and distance education

- 10/09/2014

On this Wednesday (9/10), RNP launched two thematic R&D Programs, focused on distance education and e-Health. The goal is to select projects that promote the innovative use of the network through applications that enhance the remote collaboration in these two areas of knowledge. 

Proposals should be composed of researchers from RNP user organizations, which will be selected to develop collaborative projects. Other institutions, universities or companies can also participate in activities.  

The expectation of RNP is to receive proposals that address software architectures or easily reusable hardware, extensible and well documented, in order to facilitate future upgrades and be able to be interoperable with other solutions. 

In distance education, the projects selected will be the ones presenting solutions in products and services, especially with regard to applications in Mobile Learning, Virtual Labs, and online open courses. 

As for the R&D Program in e-Health, it aims at prototyping ICT solutions that use mobile technologies to support the work of health professionals in the following areas of interest: telehealth for the Elderly, telehealth in Indigenous Health, and telehealth in Rare Diseases. 

The notice is funded by the Coordination for Higher Education Staff Development (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior – CAPES) through the Ministry of Education and the Secretariat of Labor and Health Education Management (Secretaria de Gestão do Trabalho e da Educação na Saúde - SGTES) of the Ministry of Health and is part of the R&D actions within the scope of the Interministerial RNP Program.

The deadline for submission of proposals is until 10/13.

On 10/1, at 2:00 p.m., a public webconference will be held to answer questions about the call at the website http://webconf.rnp.br/gt.

Further information can be obtained by the e-mail address gt2015@rnp.br.

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