RNP launches public call for Technological Prospecting papers for Technical Committees

On July 29, RNP launched a public call for technological prospecting work for Technical Committees (TCs). This is an initiative by RNP's TCs to expand their capacity to assess areas of activity by financing short-term projects to conduct studies on priority topics for each of the participating TCs. The deadline for submitting proposals is August 9.  

It is expected that the results of the approved projects will serve as input for discussions on the future vision documents of each of the TCs, as well as guide future investments in R&D and evolution of the services offered by RNP.  

A webinar to answer questions about the call will be held on August 2nd, at 3 pm, at: https://conferenciaweb.rnp.br/rnp/CTs 

Participation criteria  

The candidate must be a professor affiliated with a public or private teaching and research institution in the country. Researchers interested in participating in the TCs must request registration on the discussion lists of the Committees of interest, available at https://listas.rnp.br/ . No momento da inscrição, o candidato já deverá estar cadastrado na lista de discussão do CT correspondente ao projeto indicado na inscrição. 

Access the Public Call document to learn more.  

About RNP TCs  

RNP coordinates Technical Committees (TCs) formed by researchers from various academic institutions in Brazil, in strategic areas in order to monitor the evolution of knowledge and technological solutions.  

The RNP TCs aim to be a permanent forum of experts who can recommend actions to be taken in these areas to RNP, facilitating discussions on possible investments in R&D and the evolution of the services offered by RNP. To this end, some of the main activities of the TCs are: supporting RNP's technological prospecting process, maintaining a permanent communication channel with the teaching and research community and creating a vision of the future of the areas in which they operate.  

Currently, four TCs are active: Identity Management Technical Committee (TC-GId), Network Monitoring Technical Committee (TC-Mon), Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Technical Committee (TC-CDIA) and the Cybersecurity Technical Committee (TC-Cybersecurity). 

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