RNP participates in an initiative that broke the record for transmitting academic data at an event in the USA

On 11/12, the National Education and Research Network (RNP) participated in the SC23 conference, Supercomputing, the largest high-performance computing and communications event in the world, held in Denver (CO), in the United States. On that occasion, RNP participated in the SCInet (the supercomputer center at the University of Toronto) performance challenge, reaching an impressive 2.5 Tb/s in data transmission between the event location to Caltech in the USA, São Paulo in Brazil and South Africa.   

“Several simultaneous transfers were carried out, from several different groups. The total achieved by all groups exceeded 6Tb/s. The group we participated in, which included Caltech, RNP, Amlight and Rednesp, reached 2.5 Tb/s. More specifically, approximately 400G was reached from Denver to Rednesp in São Paulo”, informs RNP R&D manager, Marcos Schwarz.  

RNP also carried out technological demonstrations within the scope of the GNA-G international initiative, focusing especially on data transmission and network programmability. 

Schwarz also gave a presentation on the Global P4 Lab project, an innovative initiative aimed at experimenting with new network components and protocols on an intercontinental scale, in collaboration with more than 20 academic networks and universities.  

During the event, Schwarz took the opportunity to establish strategic contacts, prospecting partnerships, suppliers and technologies of interest for the eCiber/e-Science Network project.  

Demonstração realizada no California Institute of Technologhy (Caltech)
Data from around the world converged in the demonstration held at the California Institute of Technologhy (Caltech) (Divulgação: Harvey Newman - Caltech)
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