RNP is present at the South Summit Brazil 2023 with the INOVA ID RS project

- 31/03/2023

On March 31, the National Education and Research Network (RNP) took the INOVA ID RS project to the stages of the South Summit Brazil 2023, a global technology and innovation event held in Porto Alegre (RS).  

RNP's director of Research, Development and Innovation, Iara Machado, the technical coordinator of INOVA ID RS, Michelle Wangham, and the project manager, Luciana Ferreira, presented RNP and the project in the panel “RNP supporting the innovation environment with creation in the construction of a reliable digital identity”, on the RS Innovation stage.  

From left to right: Michelle Wangham, Iara  Machado and Luciana Ferreira


The INOVA ID RS project is part of the INOVA RS program, promoted by the Secretary of Innovation, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul with the aim of making the state a global reference in innovation as a local development strategy. With the project, RNP intends to develop a Federated Identity Management System that adheres to the innovation ecosystem in Rio Grande do Sul, enabling secure collaboration and sharing of services within a federation.  

Learn more about the project.  


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