RNP presents the results of the implementation of institutional repositories of publications and data at Inep

- 16/12/2022

On December 13, 2022, the Directorate of Research, Development and Innovation (DPDI) and the Deputy Directorate of Solution Management (DAGSol) held a presentation with the results of two PoCs (Proofs of Concept) for the implementation of institutional repositories of publications and data at the Anísio Teixeira National Institute of Educational Studies and Research (Inep).  

The partnership began at the end of 2020 when Fábio Pereira Bravin, General Coordinator of Quality Control and Information Processing at Inep's Board of Educational Statistics, requested assistance from RNP in a PoC for testing the Dataverse software (https://dataverse.org/) to open the institutional data of the body. As of 2021, services will continue with new work fronts. Since the second half of the same year, in addition to the Dataverse PoC for opening data, DPDI and DAGSol have also been working on the DSpace PoC (https://dspace.lyrasis.org/) to make possible an old demand from the Institute to have its digital library. 

In the 2022 cycle, assistance for the implementation of Inep's digital library included customization and updating of DSpace (open source repository software package), identification of document types and formats, planning of document deposit flows and procedure manuals for populating Inep's institutional repositories of publications and data. The delivery of the RIEP: Institutional Repository of Educational Studies and Research is available at: https://riep.inep.gov.br/ and the data repositor at: https://dataverse.inep.gov.br/  

To illustrate the integration of the institutional repository of publications with the data, the documents produced by Inep were identified, such as those from the Census of Basic Education and those from the Census of Higher Education, the architecture of the RIEP and linkage with the Dataverse, an open source web application to share, preserve, cite, explore and analyze research data. In the screenshot below, you can see the publication of the “Basic Education Statistical Synopsis 2020” by the community “School Census of Basic Education” with its respective reference documents, persistent address for reference (http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12401/74), metadata (descriptors) and pointer to the data file Dataverse - Censo 2020, made available in the data repository.


“This whole process was a fundamental part for Inep's Digital Library to go live”, says the coordinator of the R&D Coordination of the Management of Services for Experimentation and e-Science (GSEC), Carolina Felicíssimo. For 2023, the planning and execution of other collections is on the horizon, such as Enem, adjustments and improvements in document production and the study of a model whose purpose is to aggregate descriptors (metadata) from other Inep information systems.  

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