RNP, the Secretariat of Innovation, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul and Feevale launch a platform to connect innovation environments to digital services via federation

Sict Deputy Secretary Raphael Ayub participated in the meeting this Friday - Photo: João Felipe Brum / Ascom Sict

The result of a strategic partnership between the Secretariat of Innovation, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul (Sict/RS), Feevale University and the National Education and Research Network (RNP), the ID RS platform was launched last Friday (4/19) at a meeting promoted by the Inova RS program of the Metropolitan Region and North Coast of Rio Grande do Sul. The project connects innovation environments to establish a federation in which digital services are shared.   

The partner environments in the development of the platform will be the first to use the technology, which is still in a test phase – Instituto Caldeira, Tecnopuc (PUCRS), Tecnosinos (Unisinos), Parque Zenit (UFRGS) and Feevale Techpark. After the evaluation period, the platform can be taken to other regions of the state and even the country. 

Launched in December 2022, ID RS aims to build a reliable digital identity for players in the innovation ecosystem, explained Michelle Wangham, RNP's Cybersecurity Research and Development Manager. “The expected result is greater integration between innovation environments. We also hope that the model can be expanded throughout Rio Grande do Sul and beyond, to other states, forming a national federation,” she pointed out.  

Participação remota da RNP no lançamento da plataforma ID RS
Remote participation of RNP in the launch of the ID RS platform

More information on the Sict/RS website 

Access the Inova ID RS page

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