RNP seeks suppliers for 5G Smart Lighting Pilot Project

- 17/04/2024

In order to find suppliers to carry out the 5G Smart Luminaires Pilot Project, recently formalized between RNP and the Ministry of Communications (MCom), a call was opened yesterday, 4/16, through the Terms of Reference ADC/13038/2024, with a final deadline for submission of proposals until 5/6/2024. The initiative aims to implement smart luminaires with integrated 5G antennas in Campo Formoso (BA), a municipality where one of the campuses of Baiano FI, an organization that uses the RNP System, is located.

The project aims to support research and innovation networks and also allow the opportunity for local academia to collaborate in its development, serving as a model for expansion to other Brazilian cities.

To implement the initiative, it will be necessary to study models for exploiting local infrastructure, including the possibility of structuring a neutral network, a model in which RNP already has extensive experience, such as the work carried out in the Redecomep Program and in the Infovias 00 and 01 projects of the Norte Conectado Program, among others.

Interested parties should access the call page HERE!

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