RNP takes internet to the first schools contemplated by the Connection of Schools project, four of them in the North region

- 15/07/2022

After approval and release of the first batch of connections from the Internet Connection to Schools project, on 6/15, RNP has already connected four schools in the North region of the country and another four located in the South and Southeast. The initiative of the Ministry of Communications (MCom) is carried out by RNP and aims to bring internet to 8,341 public schools that do not have adequate connection for the integral management of their actions in education.

The first four contemplated are located in the cities of Bonito, in Pará, and São Sebastião do Uatumã, in Amazonas.

“The results of the project have been very positive so far. We received proposals with good values for 99% of the schools considered and, in less than 15 days of issuing the authorizations to the providers to start the installation work, we already have eight schools connected in optical fiber. Our expectation is to have around four thousand schools connected in the next two months", says Christian Miziara, Solutions manager responsible for the project at RNP.

Check the list of schools already connected:



About the project

Internet Connection to Schools aims to find and implement Internet connectivity solutions, by identifying and contracting private providers (ISP – Internet Service Providers), for schools in the public network that do not have adequate connections.

To form the list of schools to be considered in the project, MCom used information taken from the 2021 INEP School Census, based on the following criteria:

- Having electricity;

- Not having adequate internet access;

- Belonging to the Municipal, State or Federal public network;

- Having students enrolled in elementary and high school;

- Not participating in other government programs to connect schools.

With this, a number of 8,341 schools was reached, 2,940 of which are located in urban areas and 5,401 in rural areas.

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