Roraima holds the fifth edition of the state's Network Technologies Workshop

- 11/07/2024

On July 16, from 9 am to 5 pm, RNP's Point of Presence in Roraima (PoP-RR) will hold the fifth edition of the Network Technology Workshop in the state, in virtual format. To participate in the WTR-RR, register on the event website. 

The event is aimed at managers and technical teams from teaching and research institutions in the state of Roraima, as well as partners, suppliers and guests, and offers opportunities for networking and knowledge exchange in science, technology and innovation.  

The program for this edition will include presentations on testbeds in Open Networks; Open Source SaaS platforms,, which handles Traffic Exchange Points; Infovia RR, which is being built within the scope of the Conecta Program.

The event will also feature a Data Science Workshop, offered by the Escola Superior de Redes (ESR), on Machine Learning in Technology Networks. To register for the workshop, visit the ESR website. 

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