Secretary of Information and Digital Health of the Ministry of Health makes a presentation at the first session of the CT-SD in 2024

- 19/03/2024

The first session of 2024 of the Technical Committee for Technological Prospecting in Digital Health (CT-SD), held this morning, March 19, had the special participation of the Secretary of Information and Digital Health of the Ministry of Health (SEIDIGI/MS), Ana Estela Haddad. The professor gave an enlightening presentation on the secretariat's work in relation to driving digital transformation in the country's health, through the creation of the SUS Digital program, which is being launched this year, and the consolidation of the National Health Data Network (RNDS).

Ana Estela reinforced the mission entrusted to SEIDIGI upon its creation, which foresees the digital transformation of the SUS, greater access to health services and continuity of care. She also listed the opportunities linked to the practice of digital health, including citizen empowerment, information as a public good and cost reduction, and the risks mapped in Brazil, such as the increase in health inequities, incidents related to data protection and biases related to the unsupervised use of AI.

The secretary explained the criteria used to distribute SUS Digital resources and highlighted the challenges for consolidating the National Health Data Network (RNDS): overcoming the barriers of fragmentation and the use of different technologies, guaranteeing data governance and sovereignty, ensuring data privacy and building a national vision.
At the end of the presentation, Ana Estela Haddad answered questions and explained how she believes that RNP and CT-Saúde Digital can collaborate with SEIDIGI in driving the digital transformation of healthcare in the country.

“I believe that with all aspects related to principles, guidelines, standards, innovation and the issues related to cybersecurity, RNP and the healthcare community around it can support us. With this collaboration, we can map and have an inventory of best practices, working more closely with states and municipalities, in partnership with universities, of course, to build a broader Brazilian model for export,” said the secretary.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, the national coordinator of RUTE and manager of Relations with the Health Community at RNP, Luiz Ary Messina, highlighted the work that has already been carried out with the entities of the federation.

“We have a goal this year at RNP, which is to talk to all state health departments in the country. As a result, we have already signed agreements with the departments of Piauí (seven hospitals) and Pernambuco (four hospitals). In this way, we want to collaborate so that digital health actions are expanded”, he highlighted.

Watch the presentation:

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