SmartMed: discover the solution that guarantees efficiency in the integrated management of medical data

Developed by a working group of the RNP Advanced Services Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) Program, SmartMed promises to transform the way medical data is managed and accessed.

The solution provides a complete view of the patient, as it centralizes and records medical data in university hospitals, providing control and transparency in the management of medical data and ensuring a user-centric experience. Focused on patient safety and privacy, SmartMed develops a service that integrates blockchain technology, which enables the creation of a robust and decentralized medical data ecosystem.

The initiative aims to solve some challenges in the management of medical data, such as insecure access, fragmentation of information and lack of access traceability. SmartMed also complies with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD). Through smart contracts and self-sovereign identity mechanisms, only authorized individuals will be able to access sensitive information, maintaining the integrity and immutability of records.

The solution was developed by a group of researchers from LabGen (Next Generation Networks Teaching and Research Laboratory) and MídiaCom at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), in Rio de Janeiro.

"The expansion of Digital Health places us before a complex dilemma: how to guarantee the privacy and security of user data in an increasingly connected environment prone to mass information collection. The SmartMed solution investigates and advances the use of blockchain platforms and smart contracts as foundations for controlling access to medical data", comments GT-SmartMed coordinator and professor Diogo Mattos.

According to Mattos, by integrating smart contracts, the proposed solution not only ensures reliable access control, but also records activities in an immutable way, adding transparency and reliability to Digital Health systems. "In addition, the project plays a crucial role in training highly qualified human resources, as the team is made up of undergraduate, master's and doctoral students focused on developing innovations and products aligned with the security needs of the digital health market," reinforces the coordinator. 

SmartMed is in the validation phase of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and is looking for its first customers (early adopters). LabNasNuvens will hold a webinar to present the solution on May 16th, at 3 pm (Brasília time). Register here to participate in the event.

More information about SmartMed at this link.

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