Team responsible for the solution developed in GT-Reabnet receives international award

The team that developed the Reabnet solution in RNP's Advanced Services Research, Development and Innovation Program was awarded at the 11th Challenge Handicap et Technologie - ENI in Metz, France. The event highlighted the best projects to help people with disabilities.   

Four collaborators from Reabnet Tecnologia were directly involved in the development, application and validation of the virtual reality-based game RehaBEElitation, which received the award.

Captura de tela do jogo RehaBEElitation
Captura de tela do jogo RehaBEElitation


The system is intended to promote hand and wrist rehabilitation and provide a complete assessment of motor signs (tremor, bradykinesia and rigidity) to understand disease progression and even diagnose early and monitor over time. In the device, the developed man/machine communication sensor was tested in subjects with Parkinson's disease. 

RehaBEElitation has already been presented at congresses in France, Italy and Brazil and at the Reabnet stand at the 24th WRNP.  

“The award for the RehaBEElitation game and for the entire system came to crown a project developed with great seriousness, whose purpose is considered much greater than all of us, because all of this was done to benefit millions of people around the world”, says Isabela Alves Marques, CEO of Reabnet. 

“The population lacks this type of technology at their fingertips”, says CEO of Reabnet  

The project began with the approval of an international cooperation between Brazil and France, within the scope of the CAPES-French Committee for the Evaluation of University and Scientific Cooperation with Brazil (COFECUB) program, developed 40 years ago for academic exchange, scientific production and the training of young researchers.   

Isabela reports that development began during her postdoctoral period at NIATS (Nucleus of Innovation and Technological Assessment in Health) at the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU).  

“Even without receiving any kind of financial aid to develop it, I had the pleasure of joining the team and directly developing the various aspects of the game, as well as other Reabnet collaborators”, says the CEO.  

“The development of this project also gave me an opportunity to go to France (with financial support from CAPES), to continue processing the data, improving the assessments that could be integrated into the system and learning more. This award recognizes what we do with great love and excellence. In addition to showing us that both nationally and/or internationally, the population lacks and wants this type of technology at their fingertips”.  

Discover the solutions offered by Reabnet on the Lab NasNuvens website and learn how to be an initial customer.

Foto do prêmio
Prêmio recebido pela equipe Reabnet no 11º Challenge Handicap et Technologie


Estande do GT-Reabnet no WRNP 2023
Estande do GT-Reabnet no WRNP 2023
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