Telehealth tools defy connectivity limits

- 09/09/2014

On the daily life of the health units, working with new technologies requires good-quality and highly available connectivity to meet the demand for their services, of a critical mission. The obstacles still faced by such institutions in relation to network infrastructure and possible solutions were exposed in the session devoted to the topic, on the last day of the III RNP Forum.  

The professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraiba (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba - IFPB) and researcher at the Laboratory of Digital Video (LAViD) of the Federal University of Paraíba (Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB), Erick Melo, presented the initiatives for a better broadcast of high resolution videos on health.

Through the RNP Working Groups program, Erick collaborated to develop an infrastructure of hardware and software with remote management of video collaboration in health, the Arthron tool. He was also part of the RNP Program for Advanced Visualization, which enabled the transmission of live surgeries in 4K through Fogo Player. “In order to meet the needs of telehealth, we need good connectivity”, said Erick.  

The coordinator of the Center for Telehealth (NUTES) and researcher at the Federal University of Pernambuco (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE), Magdala Novaes, reinforced again the importance of connectivity to the smooth operation of e-Health systems. She reported that the state of Pernambuco has 85 municipalities equipped with telehealth points, which reach more than 6 million inhabitants. “However, only 30% of such points have a link greater than 512 Mbps. We still have great difficulty to synchronize audio and video”, she pointed out.  

For the head of the Surgery Division of the University Hospital Lauro Wanderley of the UFPB, Geraldo Almeida, what matters to the health center manager is the availability, facilities, and equipment. He said that in the hospital there is still insufficient band for the full operation of the telehealth services. 

On this issue, the moderator of the session and Deputy Director of RNP Engineering and Operations, Ari Frazão, said the organization has found that not always the speed that meets the campus reaches the end user. RNP is working on solutions to improve the situation. 

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