WRNP 2024 will be held on May 20th and 21st in Niterói (RJ)

- 16/04/2024

To strengthen ties between the teaching and research community in Brazil and abroad and to discuss advances and trends in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), RNP annually promotes the WRNP (RNP Workshop). The 25th edition will take place on May 20 and 21 at the Institute of Computing at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF), in Niterói (RJ).

The event will take place alongside the 42nd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC) and will be held in a hybrid format, with the main presentations being broadcast online. Registration (online and in person) is now open and can be done at this link. The online event can be watched free of charge. In-person participation has a fee of R$200, which is valid for both days of the event.

The last edition of the event at a university was at the 2nd WRNP, in 2000, at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). "Organizing WRNP 2024 in Niterói, on the campus of the Fluminense Federal University, is a source of great satisfaction for us and means a return to our origins: the teaching and research community", highlights Iara Machado, director of research, development and innovation at RNP.

Topics such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), big science, cybersecurity, blockchain, optical fiber internet, among others, will be discussed by researchers, professors, undergraduate and graduate students, and IT and innovation professionals. Organized by RNP since 1999, WRNP features lectures and demonstrations of different products, in addition to functioning as a communication channel between organizations, companies, researchers, and the government.

One of the topics to be discussed is the Conecta e Capacita program, which aims to expand internet access in the country's education and research sectors with the installation of 18 information highways. There will be more than 40,000 kilometers of optical fiber throughout Brazil, which will benefit universities, education and research institutions and public agencies.

Another important topic will be the e-Ciência network, which provides high-performance connections for research centers that work with so-called "big science", a reference to projects that involve large groups of researchers and institutions – and, therefore, the transmission of large volumes of data.

The WRNP will also feature presentations on the National Cybersecurity Policy (PNCiber); Decentralized Digital Identity (IDD) models; artificial intelligence in teaching and research; quantum networks and other topics.

RNP will also bring two stands to the public about some of its main projects: Hackers do Bem, an initiative to train professionals and cybersecurity; and Projeto Ilíada, which aims to create a national blockchain observatory, a type of public database. The WRNP 2024 schedule can be found here.


Date: May 20th and 21st

Location: Computer Institute of the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) - Niterói (RJ)

Time: 8 am to 6 pm

Registration: http://wrnp.rnp.br 

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